Keyboard isnt working very well, i took it apart to give it a clean, and inside instead of a plastic sheet with button bits all it had inside was unconnected button bits, after cleaning it all(not with water etc) i put it back together with 7 bits missing
Now some keys dont work very well so ive been making a lot of errors which means typing takes a lot longer Will be doing more drawings 2morrow after a break from it. Ive been working on a 3d sci fi animation project that i plan to do over the next 3-5 years so had been concentrating on doing that, will post more details on that soon.

Back again after a period of doing nothing, will be doing a lot of drawing over this next week from requests, my animation project is on hold while I get these drawings done, ive got about 20 still to do so itll be about a week if I stick at it. Ive been feeling kinda weird recently not so much ill as just different somehow, cant really put a word to it, im just being weird I guess, oh well, cyas later.