So it's been awhile. Well here's what is going on. I've spent the last 2 month's with a new doctor and have been to Boston and White River Jct. VA Medical centers. I have had test after test done and they still can't tell me why I'm falling all the time. I spent 2 hours in a MRI on Tuesday they scanned me from top to bottom and now I wait for results.The only time I felt good enough to do anything was when I stayed in Key West. I did not need the pain med's and muscle relaxers. I get back home and my doctor with whom I have told every drug I have ever taken now tells me that I have to take Drug test every month and if they find even marijuana in my system they will take away my pain meds. The worst is they tested me and it was positive ( this was before they even told me the rules) so they retest me 20 days later and it's positive again. The doctor told me that it takes at least 30 days for THC to get out of your system. so he reschedules me for a test 20 days later?????? what a crock now I have 2 strikes. My next appointment isn't until the 5th of feb. so I don't know what to do till then I will just take my med's and smoke my pot. I did find a person that is willing to piss into a bottle for me LOL. Thank god for brothers that don't smoke
. I would give up smoking if it didn't help me so much I know it may only be physiological but it works for me

Well, I let my account lapse a few. Forgive me.
I see you've been busy. Geesh.
How'd the latest appointment go ?