"I believe we're kindred spirits"
That's what my counter-part in the mornings said to me today. I am overly flattered that this man, whom I hold in high regard with so much respect, thinks of me as his equal. I'll take the compliment, and smile from the inside out all day because of it.
Okay, I am CONVINCED there is some weird light above my door that indicates when I am taking a bath for others to knock. Last night, slipping into the water to relax and enjoy the evening, didn't last long at all. I had just begun to slide down the porcelain to engulf my body completely when...
I hear someone trying to knock their way through my front door. "damnit..." I mumbled to myself, pulling myself out of the watery-goodness. I head to the door, wrapping the towel around me...again...(why it never occurs to me to grab my robe is BEYOND me)
Looking through the peep hole, I see a police officer there...*swoon* and a cuuuuute one at that. I open the door...to find that he's looking to see if anyone knows the elderly lady who lives in the next set of units over...she was suppose to check in with her medical alert people and never did and there's no answer at her door. He was going around checking to see if anyone knew her...how sweet....
sweet and in a uniform....and we know how Josie feels about a boy in uniform, don't we?
Within moments...the guy who lives upstairs, Ed, came down too, to see what was going on. Ed's a good neighbor...he and his wife are very sweet people. The officer was looking for someone who had a master key, or for the landlord...we were throwing out ideas when the other guy who lives upstairs came down...his name is Paul...he drives a Harley...and living directly below him, I can tell you that Paul enjoys 80's rock and loud sex with his live-in Tammy. *giggle*
It's then that I realize I'm a bit under-dressed for a scavenger hunt...so, I excuse myself to throw on some clothes...and we all head over to the other unit to try to find someone who knows the lady.
Come to find out...she had fallen asleep and taken out her hearing aid...(guess she's not as big of a fan of the Paul and Tammy show as I am...*giggle*
). It was a breath of fresh air to know she was okay though. She was very flattered that everyone was so worried.
Well, after the hunt was over, I grabbed some bottles of water and hung out with the neighbors and the police officer on the cool night for a bit. Ed had called me by name once and the officer asked if I was indeed the one from the radio...small town, ya'see...so, it was 20-questions about my job, which I don't mind...especially from someone so easy on the eyes.
I crawled into bed last night...happy. Thinking about the caring people who live around me and how lucky we all are. Oh, and thankful for hot cops...
That's what my counter-part in the mornings said to me today. I am overly flattered that this man, whom I hold in high regard with so much respect, thinks of me as his equal. I'll take the compliment, and smile from the inside out all day because of it.
Okay, I am CONVINCED there is some weird light above my door that indicates when I am taking a bath for others to knock. Last night, slipping into the water to relax and enjoy the evening, didn't last long at all. I had just begun to slide down the porcelain to engulf my body completely when...
I hear someone trying to knock their way through my front door. "damnit..." I mumbled to myself, pulling myself out of the watery-goodness. I head to the door, wrapping the towel around me...again...(why it never occurs to me to grab my robe is BEYOND me)

Within moments...the guy who lives upstairs, Ed, came down too, to see what was going on. Ed's a good neighbor...he and his wife are very sweet people. The officer was looking for someone who had a master key, or for the landlord...we were throwing out ideas when the other guy who lives upstairs came down...his name is Paul...he drives a Harley...and living directly below him, I can tell you that Paul enjoys 80's rock and loud sex with his live-in Tammy. *giggle*

Come to find out...she had fallen asleep and taken out her hearing aid...(guess she's not as big of a fan of the Paul and Tammy show as I am...*giggle*

Well, after the hunt was over, I grabbed some bottles of water and hung out with the neighbors and the police officer on the cool night for a bit. Ed had called me by name once and the officer asked if I was indeed the one from the radio...small town, ya'see...so, it was 20-questions about my job, which I don't mind...especially from someone so easy on the eyes.

I crawled into bed last night...happy. Thinking about the caring people who live around me and how lucky we all are. Oh, and thankful for hot cops...

so is the Paul and Tammy show one of these new reality series they're trying to broadcast on cable now?? seems like everyone else has a show, so why not them?
whats up Chica? You getting ready to head into the office soon? I'm wondering if you are currently on the phone coaching the next morning show sensation. Have you been talked into moving down here yet?
What am I going to do without talking to you all weekend?!?!?!! HORROR!!! Have all kinds of fun. I can't wait to hear all the details!
[Edited on Aug 19, 2005 4:37PM]