What a weekend...I'm still trying to sort it all out in my head. One thing is certain, I have the best family...ever. The surprises were bigger than my imagination would allow me to ponder, and it was HANDS-DOWN, my favorite birthday ever. Even though the blessed event hasn't actually happened yet...
This week is about 3 things: working as much as I can to alleviate any guilt I feel for being gone for a week...running tests to make sure that my broken little heart will withstand surgery on Monday...and organizing, so that my life will be as effortless as possible upon my return...(translation-cleaning and paying bills). The nerves are just now setting in, so it's good that this is a busy week, it keeps my mind from wandering.
I'm watching the preparations for the shuttle launch on CNN this morning...is it weird that I keep running through "Space Oddity" by David Bowie in my head?
I smell butterscotch
Vince Vaughn has sold his bachelor pad in LA and is moving permanently to Chicago...I have to believe this is a sign...I *heart* him!
QUESTION: What does your swimsuit look like?

This week is about 3 things: working as much as I can to alleviate any guilt I feel for being gone for a week...running tests to make sure that my broken little heart will withstand surgery on Monday...and organizing, so that my life will be as effortless as possible upon my return...(translation-cleaning and paying bills). The nerves are just now setting in, so it's good that this is a busy week, it keeps my mind from wandering.
I'm watching the preparations for the shuttle launch on CNN this morning...is it weird that I keep running through "Space Oddity" by David Bowie in my head?
I smell butterscotch

Vince Vaughn has sold his bachelor pad in LA and is moving permanently to Chicago...I have to believe this is a sign...I *heart* him!

QUESTION: What does your swimsuit look like?
HI ! and stuff...