A warm breeze through wet hair. Rolling down the window on my way into work this morning brought a smile to my face. I had forgotten what a sensational feeling it is to feel the wind. Somehow the contrast between the wet curls and the warm air sent shivers down my body. I felt very alive...
Yesterday, I found myself internally dancing with the monster of anger. Many, many triggers...and many opportunities to "freak the fuck out" on someone... However, is the release worth the damage? Nahhh...instead, I chose to filter it into another direction. Release is release, anger is a choice. Popping in a stupid-crazy movie that had me doubled over in laughter, had me reintroducing myself to muscles in my body that had remained dormant for much too long. That muscle in your side, that aches two days after you push your body to run further than your legs want to allow, remains a reminder today of an hour of laughter...My one hour. "...Matt Damon..."
Yesterday I talked to my Gram...I'm constantly amazed at that woman's ability to put me at ease. I sat in the g-spot of the couch, with my head back, and my eyes closed listening to her recount her weekend. My hopes lie within her. I realized that yesterday. Listening to her voice, for the first time since...I began to become cautiously optimistic about a future. About finding that constant happiness that I know is waiting for me. About being able to open my heart enough to jump. To jump into a future full of uncertainty, but equally full of promise.
May you all feel the wind today...welcome to summer
Yesterday, I found myself internally dancing with the monster of anger. Many, many triggers...and many opportunities to "freak the fuck out" on someone... However, is the release worth the damage? Nahhh...instead, I chose to filter it into another direction. Release is release, anger is a choice. Popping in a stupid-crazy movie that had me doubled over in laughter, had me reintroducing myself to muscles in my body that had remained dormant for much too long. That muscle in your side, that aches two days after you push your body to run further than your legs want to allow, remains a reminder today of an hour of laughter...My one hour. "...Matt Damon..."

Yesterday I talked to my Gram...I'm constantly amazed at that woman's ability to put me at ease. I sat in the g-spot of the couch, with my head back, and my eyes closed listening to her recount her weekend. My hopes lie within her. I realized that yesterday. Listening to her voice, for the first time since...I began to become cautiously optimistic about a future. About finding that constant happiness that I know is waiting for me. About being able to open my heart enough to jump. To jump into a future full of uncertainty, but equally full of promise.
May you all feel the wind today...welcome to summer
It makes me feel so much better about living and what we all can do.
You should read the comment about Gordon in my journal from a really cool girl who knows no NASCAR reading gayness into the Rainbow Warrior paint scheme -- wonder what she thinks of the flames.
Poor jeffykins
If he is gay, how can I get him my number
Seriously though, I love the idea that a gay driver int hat sport would out himself via paint scheme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah just what you want to do at Talladega, right???????????
Trip was okay. Now to start the journal (one thing at a time).
Um, couches have a g-spot? I should probably go apologize to my couch...