Staring down the barrel of another weekend...
I've been literally living in a coffin the last few days, and it was only obvious to me when I walked outside this morning, took a deep breath, and my body came to life. My mind became more clear the more oxygen I selflessly inhaled...I took the long way to work, with the windows down, just to experience this new form of euphoria a bit longer.
Sometime on Tuesday, the AC went out in my apartment. I've lived without AC before, so that's not the issue, it's the fact that the windows don't open. With temps steady around the 100 degree mark inside, it's my own personal brick coffin. Yippeeee!!!
The landlord has been a total dick about it all, reinforcing the idea of moving in 2 months. *sigh* thank god. No worries, I have used my status as the voice of the valley to strategically mention what a Fuck-face dick-wad this guy is. Thanks to slander insurance and the home number of a lawyer...*giggle*...I'm not worried. I'll have SG access in jail, right?
This weekend is all about work. I'm logging the hours trying to get this new music program off the ground. It's not a project that can be measured in days, more like months, and I have less than 2 now to get it up and running. I'm actually looking forward to some alone-time this weekend, do some reading, watch some movies, and hopefully chill my weekend away under the Arctic AC conditions.
QUESTION: What was your favorite cartoon, of all time???
Answer...tie between the Smurfs and Jem!
I've been literally living in a coffin the last few days, and it was only obvious to me when I walked outside this morning, took a deep breath, and my body came to life. My mind became more clear the more oxygen I selflessly inhaled...I took the long way to work, with the windows down, just to experience this new form of euphoria a bit longer.
Sometime on Tuesday, the AC went out in my apartment. I've lived without AC before, so that's not the issue, it's the fact that the windows don't open. With temps steady around the 100 degree mark inside, it's my own personal brick coffin. Yippeeee!!!

This weekend is all about work. I'm logging the hours trying to get this new music program off the ground. It's not a project that can be measured in days, more like months, and I have less than 2 now to get it up and running. I'm actually looking forward to some alone-time this weekend, do some reading, watch some movies, and hopefully chill my weekend away under the Arctic AC conditions.
QUESTION: What was your favorite cartoon, of all time???
Answer...tie between the Smurfs and Jem!
what's up tonight Chica?