I love my job on the holidays...Hate the idea of having to work when everyone else gets to sleep in, but I like the peace and quiet, and coming off the weekend, a little quiet time has become very very important.
Friday night, we went out on the boat, for a relaxing cruise. I don't remember being that into boating when I was growing up, but now...I find it to ease the mind in the most serene way. Thanks to a very laid-back group, it's always a good time. We were out on the lake, close to the middle, when one of my friends casually said..."I bet it's gonna storm tonight." Within 7 seconds....downpour. We all kinda sat there stunned for a minute, then rushed to get the boat back to land, calm except for GingerGayle, who has seen "The Perfect Storm" too many times...*giggle* We docked...drenched, freezing, and water in the beer...UNACCEPTABLE!
Stace arrived Friday night, and by Saturday morning at 9, her bid was accepted for the house. Quite an efficient young lady, isn't she?
So, by mid-July, she'll be here for good...I can't even see straight, I'm so excited.
Saturday night, we headed out on the boat again, with a closer watch on the weather this time. It ended up being a beautiful night, and once we docked, we headed to our friend Steve's for a fire and what could only be described as "Joke-Off 2005." I laughed so hard, I hurt, and of course in True-Josie-Fashion, I can't remember any of them. I told MY joke probably 8 times. "Did you hear about the new pirate movie coming out? It's rated ARRRRR
Yeah, I'm a doink.
Playing DD for the night, I hauled a very drunk little flower back home, and made sure she didn't drown while playing in the bath. *sigh* I have such a hard life, huh?
Sunday, got up around 4 a.m. to do some laundry and cleaning. Don't ask, and don't judge, this is me.
A big breakfast, and Stace and I headed out for shopping until the race. Got a cuuuuute skirt that makes me wanna twirl.
We made it back to the full living room getting ready to watch the race. Watched the first part...then went over to the VFW for about an hour...and when I got back, found all of my friends with my mom and my Gram. I was a bit stunned by their pop-in. We finished watching the race, then everyone scattered except for the fam. They are headed out sometime today.
So, I'm here at work...enjoying some quiet time...on the radio. Doesn't make much sense, does it.
I hope you're weekends were equally fabulous!
sidenote...yay to Danika Patrick, first woman EVER to lead a lap in the Indy 500...and whatever the hell Junior was smoking before the 600 yesterday to make him take himself and his teammate out of the race, is a bunch of BULLSHIT. LMS, the new Bristol? I'll say...
Friday night, we went out on the boat, for a relaxing cruise. I don't remember being that into boating when I was growing up, but now...I find it to ease the mind in the most serene way. Thanks to a very laid-back group, it's always a good time. We were out on the lake, close to the middle, when one of my friends casually said..."I bet it's gonna storm tonight." Within 7 seconds....downpour. We all kinda sat there stunned for a minute, then rushed to get the boat back to land, calm except for GingerGayle, who has seen "The Perfect Storm" too many times...*giggle* We docked...drenched, freezing, and water in the beer...UNACCEPTABLE!

Stace arrived Friday night, and by Saturday morning at 9, her bid was accepted for the house. Quite an efficient young lady, isn't she?

Saturday night, we headed out on the boat again, with a closer watch on the weather this time. It ended up being a beautiful night, and once we docked, we headed to our friend Steve's for a fire and what could only be described as "Joke-Off 2005." I laughed so hard, I hurt, and of course in True-Josie-Fashion, I can't remember any of them. I told MY joke probably 8 times. "Did you hear about the new pirate movie coming out? It's rated ARRRRR

Playing DD for the night, I hauled a very drunk little flower back home, and made sure she didn't drown while playing in the bath. *sigh* I have such a hard life, huh?

Sunday, got up around 4 a.m. to do some laundry and cleaning. Don't ask, and don't judge, this is me.

We made it back to the full living room getting ready to watch the race. Watched the first part...then went over to the VFW for about an hour...and when I got back, found all of my friends with my mom and my Gram. I was a bit stunned by their pop-in. We finished watching the race, then everyone scattered except for the fam. They are headed out sometime today.
So, I'm here at work...enjoying some quiet time...on the radio. Doesn't make much sense, does it.

I hope you're weekends were equally fabulous!
sidenote...yay to Danika Patrick, first woman EVER to lead a lap in the Indy 500...and whatever the hell Junior was smoking before the 600 yesterday to make him take himself and his teammate out of the race, is a bunch of BULLSHIT. LMS, the new Bristol? I'll say...
shhhhhhh, stop yelling, my head is throbbing....oops, i'm the one yelling....
*giggle* i'm not lopsided anymore
i love to DND you
how is your morning? are you all happy smiley? CUBS WON!!! yeah for Chick Voodoo...although I'm sure someone isn't very happy about it *giggle*
sorry to hear your weekend was full of rain. it didn't inspire a spontaneous wet t-shirt contest, did it?