Okay, why in the HELL did I wake up this morning humming the theme to the DUKES of muthafuckin' HAZZARD? *giggle* The correct answer for this rhetoric question is..."because you're a loon..."
Last night, mah chica and I were on the phone discussing, in extreme expertise, mind you...American Idol. Well, our conversation bled over onto the Cubs game that was going on. Fear struck deep inside...remembering back...reflecting back on that horrid night, where our conversation appeared to take the Chicago Bulls OUT of contention for advancing to the next round of the playoffs...could it be? Could we be the curse that will keep the Chicago teams heavy in the "L" column? We discussed the options, theories, and watched the game closely for any sign of the curse...and you know what? THEY EFFIN' WON! So, you know what this means, don't you? We're only BAD luck for the Bulls and GOOD-GOOD luck for the Cubs...that's ALL it can mean...it SURELY doesn't mean that we have too much time on our hands to analyze this to the depth that we have...
Just a good ole boy...never meanin' no harm...beats all you've never saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they was born...
see what I mean???
QUESTION: What movie can't you WAIT to see...?
Last night, mah chica and I were on the phone discussing, in extreme expertise, mind you...American Idol. Well, our conversation bled over onto the Cubs game that was going on. Fear struck deep inside...remembering back...reflecting back on that horrid night, where our conversation appeared to take the Chicago Bulls OUT of contention for advancing to the next round of the playoffs...could it be? Could we be the curse that will keep the Chicago teams heavy in the "L" column? We discussed the options, theories, and watched the game closely for any sign of the curse...and you know what? THEY EFFIN' WON! So, you know what this means, don't you? We're only BAD luck for the Bulls and GOOD-GOOD luck for the Cubs...that's ALL it can mean...it SURELY doesn't mean that we have too much time on our hands to analyze this to the depth that we have...

Just a good ole boy...never meanin' no harm...beats all you've never saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they was born...
see what I mean???
QUESTION: What movie can't you WAIT to see...?
I had computer issues (stupid Windows)
Anyways..... the jist of it was, I went out for a quiet drink by myself and ended up getting super freaky in a Murphy bed until 4:00 in the morning after getting naked (and stuff) in the ladies room stall, dumping $2 in quarters into the condom machine in the men's room, playing Al Green on the jukebox, picking up a 40oz on the way out, and raising angry welts on a bare ass.
Raw, Rough, and Uncensored (no, not a Jerry Springer special)
I put the "White" into "Trash".