I read and re-read my last journal to the point of memorization, and it's time now to change. Let's talk about the weekend...
Oh how irresponsible I was...*giggle*
Friday night, Stace arrived, and we both were exhausted. careful....your age is showing.....
Work Saturday morning, usual goodness. Only one more week left with my sports guy until he takes summer hiatus. *sigh* I'm gonna miss him.
Next off to the grocery store, to buy the fixins to make 50-fucking-tacos. I use the word "taco" loosely here...it's really a taco/burrito. Whatever it is, whether the ingredients or the love...the monkey puppets that are my friends eat them like it's their last meal on death row. With that, and a superfluous amount of junk food that my tiny little friend thinks we need, we headed back home. Some times, I swear, we shop like our parents are gone for the weekend.
After an un-load of the groceries (my LEAST favorite task)...and some time to actually MAKE the tacos...we went house hunting. First 2, were good...but the 3rd...well, it's a keeper. Looks like the girl will be making an offer next weekend. It's INCREDIBLE! Hard-wood floors...beautifully designed...studio in the basement...in-ground pool with a slide in the yard...gazebo...it's got SG Party written all over it.
The owners don't want to close until August, so that's going to push back her move, but it looks like all systems are a-go...
We got home in time to change and bake the tacos, plus some brownies for good measure...and the guests arrived. The living room was busting with people, and I'm thankful now, with the noise, I had the forethought to invite the neighbor. It's a good idea, to help lower the tension if you're keeping him or her up until wee hours. Just a tip from me to you...
We watched the All Star Race...and then got loaded up and went to the hotel where my cousin Sam was staying (remember him? we LOVE cousin-Sam stories, don't we?). Drunk swimming until 2 a.m...then back home to girl-talk into the wee hours of the morning.
Sunday, up at 7 a.m....because THIS is who I am...and made "smiley face" pancakes for the kids...and sent them all home. We TRIED to get in to see Star Wars...all sold out here, so I found myself with some alone time on Sunday afternoon, which was WONDERFUL. Got caught all up with Miss Catie and had a chance to chill-the-fuck-out for a while.
Sunday night, ended up falling asleep and getting a-woke by roaming hands of a beautiful creature...that's a NICE way to slip back out of dream land. *sigh* 3 hours later, I started my Monday.
So, did you get all of that? There will be a quiz later.
QUESTION: How the fuck was YOUR weekend...??
that's how you need to start your essay too..."my fucking weekend was...."
Oh how irresponsible I was...*giggle*
Friday night, Stace arrived, and we both were exhausted. careful....your age is showing.....
Work Saturday morning, usual goodness. Only one more week left with my sports guy until he takes summer hiatus. *sigh* I'm gonna miss him.
Next off to the grocery store, to buy the fixins to make 50-fucking-tacos. I use the word "taco" loosely here...it's really a taco/burrito. Whatever it is, whether the ingredients or the love...the monkey puppets that are my friends eat them like it's their last meal on death row. With that, and a superfluous amount of junk food that my tiny little friend thinks we need, we headed back home. Some times, I swear, we shop like our parents are gone for the weekend.
After an un-load of the groceries (my LEAST favorite task)...and some time to actually MAKE the tacos...we went house hunting. First 2, were good...but the 3rd...well, it's a keeper. Looks like the girl will be making an offer next weekend. It's INCREDIBLE! Hard-wood floors...beautifully designed...studio in the basement...in-ground pool with a slide in the yard...gazebo...it's got SG Party written all over it.

We got home in time to change and bake the tacos, plus some brownies for good measure...and the guests arrived. The living room was busting with people, and I'm thankful now, with the noise, I had the forethought to invite the neighbor. It's a good idea, to help lower the tension if you're keeping him or her up until wee hours. Just a tip from me to you...

We watched the All Star Race...and then got loaded up and went to the hotel where my cousin Sam was staying (remember him? we LOVE cousin-Sam stories, don't we?). Drunk swimming until 2 a.m...then back home to girl-talk into the wee hours of the morning.
Sunday, up at 7 a.m....because THIS is who I am...and made "smiley face" pancakes for the kids...and sent them all home. We TRIED to get in to see Star Wars...all sold out here, so I found myself with some alone time on Sunday afternoon, which was WONDERFUL. Got caught all up with Miss Catie and had a chance to chill-the-fuck-out for a while.
Sunday night, ended up falling asleep and getting a-woke by roaming hands of a beautiful creature...that's a NICE way to slip back out of dream land. *sigh* 3 hours later, I started my Monday.
So, did you get all of that? There will be a quiz later.

QUESTION: How the fuck was YOUR weekend...??
that's how you need to start your essay too..."my fucking weekend was...."

so your girl and you are buying a house together?
This is what I did all weekend, and as you can tell it was a great time.