I spent a fair amount of time this weekend with an old friend. Shes familiar in the most comforting way. On the verge a song-change in her life, she found solace in us.
In a story that begins very familiar, she fell in love with a married man. Weve all heard this storytime and time again Swept up in a twirl of emotion, she found herself in so deep, she couldnt walk out. The physical connection was like no other shed felt before, and intoxicated her good judgment into submission. The physical took a back seat to the emotional side, however. He understood her on a level no one else had before. Thus making the break away from him and the situation much more foreign in her eyes. Hed never made her any false promises; never mislead her into believing a life would exist outside of the fairytale they had created. His only crime was being the man of her dreams, but belonging to another.
Her breaking point came, howeverand she realized she was headed no where in a hurry. The short spurts of happiness were now being swallowed by the ever-present reality of their future. She had no one to blame but herself, and blame she did. Twisting and pulling her from the inside out, moments of reprieve came in a whisper, spoken within the screams.
When youre so far gone in a situation, its so easy to disappear. Believing theres no life outside of the one youve built around you. Your safety zone turns into an illusion and youre left, naked and clueless. Thankfully she had the strength to reach out to support. The arms of friends make the best bridges into a better tomorrow. The sad is still on the plate, only now its joined by a side of support and perspective.
Thoughts that are staying with me tonightthoughts of her. Knowing her journey isnt going to be an easy one, but knowing at the end, shell come out a stronger woman because of it.
In a story that begins very familiar, she fell in love with a married man. Weve all heard this storytime and time again Swept up in a twirl of emotion, she found herself in so deep, she couldnt walk out. The physical connection was like no other shed felt before, and intoxicated her good judgment into submission. The physical took a back seat to the emotional side, however. He understood her on a level no one else had before. Thus making the break away from him and the situation much more foreign in her eyes. Hed never made her any false promises; never mislead her into believing a life would exist outside of the fairytale they had created. His only crime was being the man of her dreams, but belonging to another.
Her breaking point came, howeverand she realized she was headed no where in a hurry. The short spurts of happiness were now being swallowed by the ever-present reality of their future. She had no one to blame but herself, and blame she did. Twisting and pulling her from the inside out, moments of reprieve came in a whisper, spoken within the screams.
When youre so far gone in a situation, its so easy to disappear. Believing theres no life outside of the one youve built around you. Your safety zone turns into an illusion and youre left, naked and clueless. Thankfully she had the strength to reach out to support. The arms of friends make the best bridges into a better tomorrow. The sad is still on the plate, only now its joined by a side of support and perspective.
Thoughts that are staying with me tonightthoughts of her. Knowing her journey isnt going to be an easy one, but knowing at the end, shell come out a stronger woman because of it.
Just trying to make you smile... Not making light of the subject.