One of my quirky personality traits is my need to pull away from everyone I love when things go to shit. I have done this for as long as I can remember. It's my attempt to shelter those I care about from dealing with what I deal with. But as a great friend of mine pointed out, it's not my place to make that decision for them. She's very right...I owe her money for her rightness over the last year, I do believe.
And the boy seems to know me better than I have given him credit for. It's so nice to have someone that will hold you when you're scared, pick you up when you fall, and still give your wings room to fly. I'm very very lucky, in the love department. (mushy...I know...deal with it!)
Since him, country music no longer makes sense. *wink*
And...AND...Stace is coming into town this weekend. I can't believe it's been over a month since I've seen her, that wasn't suppose to happen. But with a beautiful weekend in the forecast, snow doesn't seem to be an obstacle this time around...HOOORAY! We're making a quick trip south to see my gram on Saturday too...DOUBLE HOORAY!
So, the people I wanted so badly to push out of my life at this juncture, are just the people who are giving me the strength I need. I think I'm getting the hang of this...took me long enough, eh?
QUESTION: Who gives YOU strength?
One of my quirky personality traits is my need to pull away from everyone I love when things go to shit. I have done this for as long as I can remember. It's my attempt to shelter those I care about from dealing with what I deal with. But as a great friend of mine pointed out, it's not my place to make that decision for them. She's very right...I owe her money for her rightness over the last year, I do believe.
And the boy seems to know me better than I have given him credit for. It's so nice to have someone that will hold you when you're scared, pick you up when you fall, and still give your wings room to fly. I'm very very lucky, in the love department. (mushy...I know...deal with it!)
And...AND...Stace is coming into town this weekend. I can't believe it's been over a month since I've seen her, that wasn't suppose to happen. But with a beautiful weekend in the forecast, snow doesn't seem to be an obstacle this time around...HOOORAY! We're making a quick trip south to see my gram on Saturday too...DOUBLE HOORAY!
So, the people I wanted so badly to push out of my life at this juncture, are just the people who are giving me the strength I need. I think I'm getting the hang of this...took me long enough, eh?
QUESTION: Who gives YOU strength?
No time to talk BIG HUG AND A
i hope your day in bed will leave you refreshed tomorrow. sleep if you need to sleep sweet one! we will catch up tomorrow.