Greeting the day and the 6 inches of snow...yeah, happy thanksgiving, indeed.
I love snow on the ground, on the trees, but it's a selective kinda love...i do not like it on the roads or the car. Picky, huh?
Talking to my Gram last night, made me realize how much I'm going to miss not being with them today. My day is full, just not with what I would rather be doing. But I have much to be thankful for, and my family is one of them.
Last night was awesome...I'll detail later. Just wanted to wish you all a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
Greeting the day and the 6 inches of snow...yeah, happy thanksgiving, indeed.

Talking to my Gram last night, made me realize how much I'm going to miss not being with them today. My day is full, just not with what I would rather be doing. But I have much to be thankful for, and my family is one of them.
Last night was awesome...I'll detail later. Just wanted to wish you all a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

she's a bit nuts, but what can you do
Take care - thanks again