Can I say, what a fuckin' great weekend! Yeah, I can... WHAT A FUCKIN' GREAT WEEKEND!
Work-work-work...that's what I do on Friday, Friday night, and Saturday morning, but it's all about football, and it feeds my competitive nature, so it's alllll good! Saturday, headed down to Indy to pick up the lovely Miss Stacey at the airport from Seattle. She flew in to hang with me for a weekend, which proved to be quite fulfilling.
After some errands Saturday afternoon, we checked into the hotel, went to dinner, and then out to a strip club for the evening. It's funny...I always feel a little apprehension when walking in, to which is completely dissipated within seconds of the door closing behind me. It may just be my somewhat shy nature that is sometimes hidden...(I know, shocker, right?) But, there are naked girls in there...
We stayed there until after midnight, playing with a girl named "Bunny" who was the cutest! Hard to understand why going to a strip club is fulfilling, when I have this beautiful girl with me, but I struggled through.
Back to the hotel, about 30 minutes of sleep sometime between 12:30-8:30 a.m. and it was off to take Stace back to the airport...and then she was gone. Almost like a dream, she was...
In an effort to repent for a weekend of sin, went to see my Gram, who is doing famously, and was so surprised to see me pull in..."OH MY! What are YOU doing here? Here, eat something!" That's my gram...she's the cutest, evah!
Home...a few phone calls, a few emails...a trip to the store for stuff to make my little moochers tacos, and it was a sports day! HOORAY! Watched the Cubs win, the Bears lose, the Colts win, and Junior fucking win Talladega (to which I'm still glowing from...seriously).
The next two weeks are going to kick ass, after that, come what may, ya know? Life's about the journey, and this one is going to rock! (positivity making you want to throw up?)
How was YOUR weekend????
Can I say, what a fuckin' great weekend! Yeah, I can... WHAT A FUCKIN' GREAT WEEKEND!
Work-work-work...that's what I do on Friday, Friday night, and Saturday morning, but it's all about football, and it feeds my competitive nature, so it's alllll good! Saturday, headed down to Indy to pick up the lovely Miss Stacey at the airport from Seattle. She flew in to hang with me for a weekend, which proved to be quite fulfilling.

After some errands Saturday afternoon, we checked into the hotel, went to dinner, and then out to a strip club for the evening. It's funny...I always feel a little apprehension when walking in, to which is completely dissipated within seconds of the door closing behind me. It may just be my somewhat shy nature that is sometimes hidden...(I know, shocker, right?) But, there are naked girls in there...

We stayed there until after midnight, playing with a girl named "Bunny" who was the cutest! Hard to understand why going to a strip club is fulfilling, when I have this beautiful girl with me, but I struggled through.

Back to the hotel, about 30 minutes of sleep sometime between 12:30-8:30 a.m. and it was off to take Stace back to the airport...and then she was gone. Almost like a dream, she was...
In an effort to repent for a weekend of sin, went to see my Gram, who is doing famously, and was so surprised to see me pull in..."OH MY! What are YOU doing here? Here, eat something!" That's my gram...she's the cutest, evah!
Home...a few phone calls, a few emails...a trip to the store for stuff to make my little moochers tacos, and it was a sports day! HOORAY! Watched the Cubs win, the Bears lose, the Colts win, and Junior fucking win Talladega (to which I'm still glowing from...seriously).
The next two weeks are going to kick ass, after that, come what may, ya know? Life's about the journey, and this one is going to rock! (positivity making you want to throw up?)
How was YOUR weekend????
Great that you had such a fabulous weekend! I've said it before, but you are indeed an inspiration, Josie-luv!
(My weekend? Booorrrinnnggg. My week? Craaazzzeeee.)