Happy Friday everyone! Burnt, exhausted and spent..it's been a hell of a week.
Went out singing a couple nights ago...it ended up being a pretty great night, if you eliminate all the drama. I won the karaoke contest, that I didn't even realize was going on...yeah, I wasn't even that drunk. Got some cash though, that covered our tab for the evening, which is all good. Also, got some Jager beads for surviving a shot. Pretty interesting that they have to give you a prize to drink the stuff. The cracker-jack boxes come to mind.
Thursday we spent the day painting my grandma's house. It was good to be out in the sun, laughing on top of a ladder all day. My family is a good distraction. Last night we went out to the strip club again. It was a different one this time and I shouldn't have went out. Too much sin in one week, leaves an empty soul.
Today it was garage sale day...if you ever want to meet a BUNCH of INTERESTING people, have a damn garage sale. If they would have left me alone, I would have sold everything, passed out the 75 cents and called it a day. I have an annoyance that won't leave me alone though...I guess the phrase "fuck off" doesn't have the grip it used to. I did call into Tom, my work buddy to find out what the scoop is there. He said there were those at work that were offended that I didn't call in all week, to check in. Yeah, it's not like I have a cell phone that they can get me any time of the day or night, whatever.
Tonight...*sigh* tonight is girl night. I am cuddling on the couch with my favorite 14 year old on the planet, my cousin Bridgitte. She's always been like a little sister to me, and I'm looking forward to some girl bonding time with her. We're just going to pop some popcorn and watch a scary movie. She loves to make me scared. A source of entertainment, I suppose.
So, that's me...up to date...not that interesting, huh? Six hours or so of sleep in the last 3 nights isn't making for much story telling. Sorry. I promise to be less bitter soon.
My question...if you have read through my bullshit to get this far...what is something that you do, all alone, that people would be shocked to know about you (masturbating doesn't count...it wouldn't shock me to know that)
Went out singing a couple nights ago...it ended up being a pretty great night, if you eliminate all the drama. I won the karaoke contest, that I didn't even realize was going on...yeah, I wasn't even that drunk. Got some cash though, that covered our tab for the evening, which is all good. Also, got some Jager beads for surviving a shot. Pretty interesting that they have to give you a prize to drink the stuff. The cracker-jack boxes come to mind.
Thursday we spent the day painting my grandma's house. It was good to be out in the sun, laughing on top of a ladder all day. My family is a good distraction. Last night we went out to the strip club again. It was a different one this time and I shouldn't have went out. Too much sin in one week, leaves an empty soul.
Today it was garage sale day...if you ever want to meet a BUNCH of INTERESTING people, have a damn garage sale. If they would have left me alone, I would have sold everything, passed out the 75 cents and called it a day. I have an annoyance that won't leave me alone though...I guess the phrase "fuck off" doesn't have the grip it used to. I did call into Tom, my work buddy to find out what the scoop is there. He said there were those at work that were offended that I didn't call in all week, to check in. Yeah, it's not like I have a cell phone that they can get me any time of the day or night, whatever.
Tonight...*sigh* tonight is girl night. I am cuddling on the couch with my favorite 14 year old on the planet, my cousin Bridgitte. She's always been like a little sister to me, and I'm looking forward to some girl bonding time with her. We're just going to pop some popcorn and watch a scary movie. She loves to make me scared. A source of entertainment, I suppose.
So, that's me...up to date...not that interesting, huh? Six hours or so of sleep in the last 3 nights isn't making for much story telling. Sorry. I promise to be less bitter soon.
My question...if you have read through my bullshit to get this far...what is something that you do, all alone, that people would be shocked to know about you (masturbating doesn't count...it wouldn't shock me to know that)

Just reading through your profile again...it seems the thing that makes you sad is also something I do on a recurring basis. Who'd 'a' thunk it?????
Refuse to let work get you down, that's what I do. If things start to bother you, joke around on the radio. That's somethng else I do. Only difference is the audience. I've got about 30-40 people listening (not countin the 1000 or so North Koreans