Ok, I've been wanting to try one of these for a while now so here goes.
RIP LEMMY! Motorhead wasn't my favorite band but I could listen to them all day any day. Lemmy was one of my all time favourite bass players.
Three questions, one would be a request for a demonstration of your practicing techniques on the rickenbacher 4004
I think you must have had some other interesting places to hang out in LA besides the rainbow, where? hmm?
And tell me again how fuckin cool it was roadie-ing for jimi!!
RIP PRINCE! Again not my favourite, but always a great listen.
What was on your mind taking all those pain killers?
Tell me about the first time you ever performed for an audience.
Was it that much different from the last? I mean, did you even consider that it could be your last time onstage that night?
RIP Maurice White! Earth Wind And Fire! Some of the best music of my pre teen years and A Great Drummer.
I want to know what life was like on the road with such a big production so many musiciaans.
You had quite a long battle with parkinsons, how did the Dr's help you with that?
Was there anything at all you would do differently given the chance?