I worked with a group called Ofek. In Israel the people attend university after their military service. So peole in university are usually a bit more mature and focused than here in the states. Where here campus politics is lame and lame, there the on campus politics is quite literally funded and run by the national political parties. The universities are seen as a suuuuper important place to reach impressionable minds and...voters. Ofek is the two left political Parties- Meretz and Avodah combined. I was the Ofek American liason. In Jeruslaem where I was studying, there were many hundreds of Americans studying. i was responsable for bringing in speakers, printing political pamphlets, bringing students to pro-peace rally's and more. The thing is I was there for a crazy period... the year i was there, Rabin was assasinated, five bus bombings withing walking distance from my dorms killed twenty or so americans and all the students went back to the states to feel safe (cowards), and I lived with a palestinian... there is more... but i feel like im flooding you already...