Saturday in the afternoon update starts now:
1. The Red Sox are on top of their division with a 6.5 lead over the hated Yankees, and we will win our firts pennant in a while this year, you bet!

2. I read a few good books early this week and hopefully I will finish tonight the Max Brooks latest: "World War Z" which is very very good! It is a sad and raw book about humanity faced with horrible obstacles... I strongly recommend this book, it will have you thinking about plenty of things...
3. The Male Basketball Olympics classifying tournament tournament is being played in Las Vegas right now and my country's team is playing, we have a very slim chance of classifying directly but we will do all we can to get to Gold medal game. Tonight we play Uruguay at 8:30 PM Eastern time, all I have to add is : "Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico!!!"
4. If anyone who reads this have not tried any of Jonathan Lethem's prose should start soon, I read my second Lethem's novel: "You don't love me yet" and I LOVED IT!!! It is a romantic comedic tale about a rock band during the nineties in LA and an artist who has set up a phone bank to compile "complaints" from the general LA population. Read this book!!!!!!

5. Arsenal defeated Manchester City today, we are having a good start this season even thought our goalkeeper, Lehman, is not, but he has proven himself many times so he should bounce back! I am glad that Man. U. is struggling, they buy and buy and buy great talent yet they underperform, so fuck them!
I miss when I updated more often, I hope to write more often soon!!

6. My fav album of the week is Pulp's "John Peel sessions", I love them!! especially during the "Different Class/This is hardcore" era

I will end this now and write more later in the week, have a kick ass weekend, tons of love to all

i actually kind of like pitbull. CUBANOS UNIDOS JAMAS SERAN VENCIDOS
hey, thanks dude. let's party