Saturday night, first of 2007:
I just got back home from going to the cinema with my sis, my dear friend Zamira and her son. We watched "Night at the museum" and I loved it, there were some flaws on it but there was so many good stuff on it, like Ricky Gervais and Owen Wilson, besides the fact that I love museums
A side note to this note: Zamira's son is a baby, and he behaved terribly, so clearly they, Zamira and her baby, had a terrible time too (I guess babies do not belong in movie cinemas... being a mum is hard, and not only because then unless you have a babysitter you do not have a social life anymore), which makes me more confident on my decision of not having a baby ever...
Okay, a recap: my dad is still okay, not terribly well but better and out of the hospital (I know there are are worst places in the world other than hospitals, but as I have never visited a jail or a concentration camp, I can say that hospitals are the worst places I have ever visited).
This last Xmas which, I am very happy to say, is fucking over!! Besides my dad health troubles, which included him spending the whole Xmas weekend in the hospital also included the death of one of my mum's brothers, and even thought they are not close due to family trouble, this added to the whole misery at home...Another thing that added to my sadness was my dear Inocencia and her leaving to live in New Jersey for a whole year, she left on Xmas eve, which fucking sucked for me...Tons of time spend at work helped in the way that I stayed away from a lot of the trouble, and when I was not working I was sleeping... so that was my Xmas in a paragraph
On to brighter and better and better things: I made a new friend and her name is Keren. She found me thru Myspace (I guess the thing is not totally worthless after all...) and we have been having a good time talking about life, music, books, etc. She is from the Island too, and we talk on the phone a lot, when we can at least... She is very much like me in a lot of things: she is nerdy an obsessed with music too, she loves "Hight fidelity", she is very unsatisfied with much of the things I am also unsatisfied, she has a fun sense of humor, etc. so hooray for me, for us
Another awesome thing to happen to me is that I finally am reading Nick Hornby's "Fever pitch" and I am very much in love with it!!!! Each page is full of genious stuff: rermarks on being a child, living with divorced parents, being a teenager and all those hardships and insecurities, adulthood, being a fan, etc. This is a must have for futbol fans!! I seriously doubt that futbol fans will not laugh and cry with book, Strongly recommended
One more thing I am loving these days is playing "FIFA 2007" with my bro and my sis!!!! I never thought that playing a videogame could be so much fun!! You can play ith so much different Futbol clubs (I am partial to Barcelona, Arsenal and Boca Junior, but it is great to play again your archenemies: Real Madrid, Manchester United, River Plate, etc). Among the great feautures it has is that you can play with second division teams from a few leagues and with national teams from many great futbol countries like Holland, Brazil and France, among many others.
My musical discovery for this week is Camera Obscura. They caught my interest when I read in the news section of this site that thy have a sound that ressembles Belle and Sebastian, which is one of my favorite music acts. I ordered a few of their albums at my store and finally listened to them this week and loved them, it is amazing that I did not knew of them earlier, but I am so happy to have made the acquaintance of their music
More discoveries, this time of an anime series: "Samurai Champloo". I bought thew whole series on dvd because I knew of its reputation as a great series and I had the opportunity to get it new at half prize
I watched the first two dvd's yesterday and I loved them!!! For those who do not know, the series is the tale of a girl and two samurai warriors on the search for the "samurai who smells of sunflowers" and the creators mix the historical the historical tale with hip hop culture and the result is awesome!! I encourage anyone who likes "Samurai 7", "The seventh samurai" and the "Animatrix" dvd to check this out!!
I have much more to write down but I will end this now as it is quite long, but this week will be nice I hope and hopefully I will be able to write once or twice a week, like I used to before the whole Xmas thing, tons of love to all this new year which I hope is way better than the last one
One last thing: I love you
I just got back home from going to the cinema with my sis, my dear friend Zamira and her son. We watched "Night at the museum" and I loved it, there were some flaws on it but there was so many good stuff on it, like Ricky Gervais and Owen Wilson, besides the fact that I love museums

A side note to this note: Zamira's son is a baby, and he behaved terribly, so clearly they, Zamira and her baby, had a terrible time too (I guess babies do not belong in movie cinemas... being a mum is hard, and not only because then unless you have a babysitter you do not have a social life anymore), which makes me more confident on my decision of not having a baby ever...
Okay, a recap: my dad is still okay, not terribly well but better and out of the hospital (I know there are are worst places in the world other than hospitals, but as I have never visited a jail or a concentration camp, I can say that hospitals are the worst places I have ever visited).
This last Xmas which, I am very happy to say, is fucking over!! Besides my dad health troubles, which included him spending the whole Xmas weekend in the hospital also included the death of one of my mum's brothers, and even thought they are not close due to family trouble, this added to the whole misery at home...Another thing that added to my sadness was my dear Inocencia and her leaving to live in New Jersey for a whole year, she left on Xmas eve, which fucking sucked for me...Tons of time spend at work helped in the way that I stayed away from a lot of the trouble, and when I was not working I was sleeping... so that was my Xmas in a paragraph

On to brighter and better and better things: I made a new friend and her name is Keren. She found me thru Myspace (I guess the thing is not totally worthless after all...) and we have been having a good time talking about life, music, books, etc. She is from the Island too, and we talk on the phone a lot, when we can at least... She is very much like me in a lot of things: she is nerdy an obsessed with music too, she loves "Hight fidelity", she is very unsatisfied with much of the things I am also unsatisfied, she has a fun sense of humor, etc. so hooray for me, for us

Another awesome thing to happen to me is that I finally am reading Nick Hornby's "Fever pitch" and I am very much in love with it!!!! Each page is full of genious stuff: rermarks on being a child, living with divorced parents, being a teenager and all those hardships and insecurities, adulthood, being a fan, etc. This is a must have for futbol fans!! I seriously doubt that futbol fans will not laugh and cry with book, Strongly recommended

One more thing I am loving these days is playing "FIFA 2007" with my bro and my sis!!!! I never thought that playing a videogame could be so much fun!! You can play ith so much different Futbol clubs (I am partial to Barcelona, Arsenal and Boca Junior, but it is great to play again your archenemies: Real Madrid, Manchester United, River Plate, etc). Among the great feautures it has is that you can play with second division teams from a few leagues and with national teams from many great futbol countries like Holland, Brazil and France, among many others.

My musical discovery for this week is Camera Obscura. They caught my interest when I read in the news section of this site that thy have a sound that ressembles Belle and Sebastian, which is one of my favorite music acts. I ordered a few of their albums at my store and finally listened to them this week and loved them, it is amazing that I did not knew of them earlier, but I am so happy to have made the acquaintance of their music

More discoveries, this time of an anime series: "Samurai Champloo". I bought thew whole series on dvd because I knew of its reputation as a great series and I had the opportunity to get it new at half prize

I have much more to write down but I will end this now as it is quite long, but this week will be nice I hope and hopefully I will be able to write once or twice a week, like I used to before the whole Xmas thing, tons of love to all this new year which I hope is way better than the last one

One last thing: I love you

*hugs* I am super glad that your dad is okay...and I am okay too just needed a break love...

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I don't have everything by Massive Attack so feel free throw in whatever you feel like. I'm nearly done with yours, it should be out tomorrow. I got sidetracked too.