What an exhausting season. Summer ended with 3 funerals, 1 engagement, 1 50th anniversary, 1 21st birthday, and 3 breakouts of hives caused from stress...all in 3 weeks. I'm so glad I made it out alive. Thanks to everyone for your support, especially Jeremy, Xia, and my ubercool workmate Shalome and our boss bean. I couldn't have done it without you guys.
Here's to a relaxing, kickass autumn season.
PS...I'm kinna debating on whether I should change my alias back to Joscelyne. I'm afraid of a limbo girl choosing my real name for her alias, be it spelled Jocelyn or some other alternative.
Here's to a relaxing, kickass autumn season.
PS...I'm kinna debating on whether I should change my alias back to Joscelyne. I'm afraid of a limbo girl choosing my real name for her alias, be it spelled Jocelyn or some other alternative.
Hey, no problem! Got to live offline sometimes! If I did it more, I would have CDs and cassettes done...