Have I mentioned how awesome my job is? I get to work with the coolest boss ever and most kickass co-worker in the world. They let me come in with bright pink hair and metal in my face and jeans and t-shirts and knee-high platform boots. I get to skateboard to work because it's only 10 blocks away from my apartment. I have a rad glass desk and I can take my shoes off and walk around the office in my socks. There's a comfy futon and even more comfy/sexy sofa and love seat to rest on if I feel like I need a nap. Oh yeah. I also sometimes get to view SG here
God, I'm so fucking lucky! It makes listening to bitchy imbecile clients so_worth_it.
PS July 4 was my two year anniversary here.
dude.. those desktops you made are fully rad.
can you bring a goat into work?