Back from the east coast with a snuffly nose and dry skin from too much handwashing and sanitizer. I'm also a little sad because I miss the boy's family, but we had a wonderful visit.
This is probably my last entry for 2005...this is an odd year that feels longer than it really is. So much stuff happened - you can't have the amazing without the heartbreaking, of course - but I can't even name five most important moments off the top of my head. Perhaps that's something to document in my handwritten journals instead, so I don't forget when I try to reminisce.
I'm not too eager about 2006 being so close, but I will say my usual "Whatever happens, happens."
Also, despite my never-ending paranoia about jinxing things like this, I would like to admit that, regardless of any hardships going on left and right - I am the happiest I've been since I was a wee one. I think so, anyway, and while it might seem pish-poshy to you, it's a giantic leap; an incredible thing for someone like me to admit.
Thanks to all of you in my life that have helped me grow in these learning experiences. You know who you are.
This is probably my last entry for 2005...this is an odd year that feels longer than it really is. So much stuff happened - you can't have the amazing without the heartbreaking, of course - but I can't even name five most important moments off the top of my head. Perhaps that's something to document in my handwritten journals instead, so I don't forget when I try to reminisce.
I'm not too eager about 2006 being so close, but I will say my usual "Whatever happens, happens."
Also, despite my never-ending paranoia about jinxing things like this, I would like to admit that, regardless of any hardships going on left and right - I am the happiest I've been since I was a wee one. I think so, anyway, and while it might seem pish-poshy to you, it's a giantic leap; an incredible thing for someone like me to admit.
Thanks to all of you in my life that have helped me grow in these learning experiences. You know who you are.

That's a really cute profile picture.
yessss. i have your scissors. should i bring them tomorrow or will i be arrested in the lobby for carrying a concealed weapon?