Apparently my face is very pliable.
Oh, and that one on the left? That's the face I make every time you see me post the D: thing. As I like to tell Atlantis, it's my OHNOES!!11 face.
Took Jeremy to dinner for his b-day last night; crashed his browser with my slew of emoticon loving in his journal. Tomorrow is my first day without my trainer at the office. Reeh! I hope I don't fuck things up.
D: indeed.
There was also a great fictional-website-design-company one, Bud Uggly Web Design. It was just tremendous. Every word was misspelled, all the graphics clashed and overlapped, tons of tiny pop-ups would open, and pointer-arrows and buttons wouldn't work. Everything was funny, even the public message board. At the time I was knee-deep in my tennis-fanaticism and would post as "evil Martina Hingis."
Actually here's a link to them; I guess it last updated in 1997, and it looks like they cleaned up some of the spelling and design!
edit PS- Yeah, actually I'm having a great laugh at that site again. Open up some of the pages, like "BUd UGlly Ordering Page" or "BuD UgllY DesiGn-FeedBack."
[Edited on Dec 19, 2005 1:07PM]