Less than a week and I bid a fond farewell to my illustrious career as a Professional Distraction.
The uneven floorboards of a hallway today produced a lump in my throat as I pondered those strange hallways and twists and turns into indescribable darkness and also into bursts of light. I've pirouetted through hell and heaven here.
The uneven floorboards of a hallway today produced a lump in my throat as I pondered those strange hallways and twists and turns into indescribable darkness and also into bursts of light. I've pirouetted through hell and heaven here.
Congratulations on going back to school full time. It's a hard decision to make but it's an investment and will work out in the long run. All the luck to you on that.
I want to go back to school for a masters in a few years. It means I'll have to quit my job and go back to school for three years! It will take more thought on whether or not that's something I want to do.
and it went very very well. aside from my sunburn.