I don't write as much now that I am sober.
Over Christmas my bestfriend from high school challenged me to write more. She also wanted me to write more positive stuff becasue I tend to write a lot of really dark poetry, and she thinks it doesn't reflect me well since I tend to be more positive I guess *shrugs*
So hot off the presses, I just wrote this right now and haven't edited. Not sure if its positive or not but whatever.
She curses and fears,
We've both been in that boat
And an elephant steps aboard
Cracking our facade
Our carefully crafted walls and plans,
Even with our best intentions
We weren't prepared for this,
Complete vulnerability.
We are both embarking on these journeys,
Our great adventures
With our sweet Oh Mys.
We curse and we fear
We secretly hope
We pray.
We swallow hard and let honesty flow
We hold our breath
Lest some butterflies we wish to deny are there
Oh my My
More will be revealed.
Over Christmas my bestfriend from high school challenged me to write more. She also wanted me to write more positive stuff becasue I tend to write a lot of really dark poetry, and she thinks it doesn't reflect me well since I tend to be more positive I guess *shrugs*
So hot off the presses, I just wrote this right now and haven't edited. Not sure if its positive or not but whatever.
She curses and fears,
We've both been in that boat
And an elephant steps aboard
Cracking our facade
Our carefully crafted walls and plans,
Even with our best intentions
We weren't prepared for this,
Complete vulnerability.
We are both embarking on these journeys,
Our great adventures
With our sweet Oh Mys.
We curse and we fear
We secretly hope
We pray.
We swallow hard and let honesty flow
We hold our breath
Lest some butterflies we wish to deny are there
Oh my My
More will be revealed.
Wow, I didn't know you were a poet! Lovely!
LOL I find it funny that when I read the first word (she) what I thought of. My cousin was telling me about his sister (I say it this way because it's his half sister not by blood my cousin, but whatever she still is, thats just the way I said it.. ne way..) who had told him or gave him the phrase "City of Pubs." He was writting this cool poem about a man chasing this girl through the "City of Pubs," bar hopping and such. It was pritty cool. But it's funny that just because you wrote a poem and I read "she" I thought of that. My mental process is... odd.