I am so excited! Oh my god, 2006 has been completely unbelieveable so far....and it just keeps becoming even better
I am so excited! Oh my god, 2006 has been completely unbelieveable so far....and it just keeps becoming even better

damn modern technology!
How long have you been in limbo anyway?
If you don't mind me asking...
I'm sure you look amazing in your set...
regardless if you were a bit more , shall we say...
Whats a few pounds here and there?
for which i wont bore you!
actually it's just the usual standard stuff, work overload, poverty, and some minor health issues.
and this damn new england weather!
So you have been in limbo since december?
I'm sure the lovely Bettina has probably already told you about having to be a bit patient...
some girls have to wait months or even a year or more before their sets go live....
But when yours does...
I have a feeling its going to be a smashing success!