American's are forgetting how fucked up the last 8 years have been. How our country has declined in virtually every way. I'm literally beside myself in awe over how close this election seems to be running. Are that many Americans really THAT STUPID that they'll exercise their right to vote for MORE of this? I'm starting to think so. I'm starting to think that either half of America are complete and utter sheep willing to buy into more of the patriotic propaganda of an honored sailor. John McCain is an outstanding American. Really. I even supported him vigorously in 2000. But if we can't get the course of this country changed, I might have to move to Canada. I can't fathom that 50% of my American peers are imbeciles who's values are so far removed from my own.
As a side point, how in the world can any supposedly educated person believe in creationism? Wow. That is bad.
The republican party just keeps spewing bullshit. They're taking every opportunity to steal all of Mr. Obama's campaign slogans. Seriously, are people really believing that a McCain-Palin administration is actually about change? Changing what, exactly? And what is this bullshit attack ad implying Obama supported a sex-ed program for kindergarten children? COMPLETE and utterly FALSE. First of all it wasn't his bill... but the bill was about protecting kids from inappropriate touches. Predators. So is the RNC suggesting that kind of thing should be accepted? The lies being put forth are just outrageous. And they'll take every possible opportunity to imply that Mr. Obama will raise your taxes. Again, total bullshit unless you're in the 5% of Americans at the top of the income bracket. 95% of us, in other words, will have our personal income taxes reduced.
Anyhow, the respect that I used to have for this genuine war hero has been steadily eroding due to the anything-to-win campaign I'm seeing him run. Shame on the republican party. The party I used to be a registered member of.
Wake up, people. Don't let this status-quo continue.
Oh, and I guess I have to add this because it's superior.
Tiny Fey really does this incredibly well.
As a side point, how in the world can any supposedly educated person believe in creationism? Wow. That is bad.
The republican party just keeps spewing bullshit. They're taking every opportunity to steal all of Mr. Obama's campaign slogans. Seriously, are people really believing that a McCain-Palin administration is actually about change? Changing what, exactly? And what is this bullshit attack ad implying Obama supported a sex-ed program for kindergarten children? COMPLETE and utterly FALSE. First of all it wasn't his bill... but the bill was about protecting kids from inappropriate touches. Predators. So is the RNC suggesting that kind of thing should be accepted? The lies being put forth are just outrageous. And they'll take every possible opportunity to imply that Mr. Obama will raise your taxes. Again, total bullshit unless you're in the 5% of Americans at the top of the income bracket. 95% of us, in other words, will have our personal income taxes reduced.
Anyhow, the respect that I used to have for this genuine war hero has been steadily eroding due to the anything-to-win campaign I'm seeing him run. Shame on the republican party. The party I used to be a registered member of.
Wake up, people. Don't let this status-quo continue.
Oh, and I guess I have to add this because it's superior.

Bitch, I can see Block Island from my house!!!!
(not really, it just sounds good