Despite today being my last day at my current job, I just ordered a new laptop. I couldn't resist. The sales were just too good to pass up. I'd been giving serious consideration lately to joining the "Mac" crowd, but when all was said and done, there are still currently too many advantages FOR ME to change. The Dell machines offer features I simply cannot get on a Mac, such as an internal Verizon broadband modem, for example. I guess that means I'll be selling my current laptop in a few weeks.

If you're curious about Product Red and the fight against AIDS in Africa, click here.
I'm also going on vacation. Got a friend in Los Angeles I haven't seen in years, so I'm heading out her way the weekend after next.
Not sure which new job I'll be taking yet. I'm currently leaning towards the luxury car deliveries though. $72,000 is simply too good a salary to pass up.
Nixon's new set is really outstanding. I love it when a set tells a story rather than just... shows a bunch of hot posing.

If you're curious about Product Red and the fight against AIDS in Africa, click here.
I'm also going on vacation. Got a friend in Los Angeles I haven't seen in years, so I'm heading out her way the weekend after next.
Not sure which new job I'll be taking yet. I'm currently leaning towards the luxury car deliveries though. $72,000 is simply too good a salary to pass up.
Nixon's new set is really outstanding. I love it when a set tells a story rather than just... shows a bunch of hot posing.
Sounds like a great job. $72,000 I will never see that. Sounds lovely.