1) Hillary loaned her campaign $5 million from her own finances.
2) Bill Clinton stated on Tuesday that Obama was the "establishment candidate".
Both of these developments are significant. And both indicate that the Clinton campaign is scared. The first one... loaning herself the money... because she clearly expected that "Super Tuesday" would propel her to a decisive lead for the democratic nomination. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect this fight to continue on beyond February 5th with any genuine degree of threat to her own ascension.
Barack Obama doesn't seem to have this financial issue. Heck, I have donated to his campaign 3 times already... something I have never done previously for a candidate of any party. It's probable that I will donate again in the future. (I only give about $50 at a time as I can afford to). Hillary accepts money from lobbyists. Barack does not. And yet she is hurting for money at this point.
But Hillary now finds herself in a position where she really needs to fight for the remaining delegates. Something that Barack has been doing all along. His campaign steadily gains momentum while hers is stalling. She has a huge advantage in name recognition. But the fact is that when people take the time to really learn who Barack Obama -IS- and what he's all about... they flock to his support with awesome speed. He possesses oratory skills rarely seen. And I can absolutely understand why Caroline Kennedy sees reflections of her father in him.
The second item, the labelling of the Obama campaign as the "establishment" is just the biggest, most blatant pile of bullshit you could imagine. It's the EXACT opposite of the truth. In fact, I am just beside myself with how ridiculous a statement this is.
The Clinton and Bush families have had a lock on the White House for the last TWO DECADES. Exactly who is "the establishment" candidate, Mr. President?
The Clintons will say and do anything to get Hillary elected. Don't believe bullshit just because it comes from a former President (that you might have in fact liked and voted for). Bullshit is still bullshit regardless who says it.
Demand something new. Reject a perpetuation of the SAME OLD THING over and over and over and over again. Insanity Defined: Repeatedly performing the same action and expecting a different result.
Demand change. Vote for it. Tell your friends. Tell your family. Get excited!
S, se puede!
2) Bill Clinton stated on Tuesday that Obama was the "establishment candidate".
Both of these developments are significant. And both indicate that the Clinton campaign is scared. The first one... loaning herself the money... because she clearly expected that "Super Tuesday" would propel her to a decisive lead for the democratic nomination. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect this fight to continue on beyond February 5th with any genuine degree of threat to her own ascension.
Barack Obama doesn't seem to have this financial issue. Heck, I have donated to his campaign 3 times already... something I have never done previously for a candidate of any party. It's probable that I will donate again in the future. (I only give about $50 at a time as I can afford to). Hillary accepts money from lobbyists. Barack does not. And yet she is hurting for money at this point.
But Hillary now finds herself in a position where she really needs to fight for the remaining delegates. Something that Barack has been doing all along. His campaign steadily gains momentum while hers is stalling. She has a huge advantage in name recognition. But the fact is that when people take the time to really learn who Barack Obama -IS- and what he's all about... they flock to his support with awesome speed. He possesses oratory skills rarely seen. And I can absolutely understand why Caroline Kennedy sees reflections of her father in him.
The second item, the labelling of the Obama campaign as the "establishment" is just the biggest, most blatant pile of bullshit you could imagine. It's the EXACT opposite of the truth. In fact, I am just beside myself with how ridiculous a statement this is.
The Clinton and Bush families have had a lock on the White House for the last TWO DECADES. Exactly who is "the establishment" candidate, Mr. President?
The Clintons will say and do anything to get Hillary elected. Don't believe bullshit just because it comes from a former President (that you might have in fact liked and voted for). Bullshit is still bullshit regardless who says it.
Demand something new. Reject a perpetuation of the SAME OLD THING over and over and over and over again. Insanity Defined: Repeatedly performing the same action and expecting a different result.
Demand change. Vote for it. Tell your friends. Tell your family. Get excited!
S, se puede!
I really want it to be different than that.
So if I had to vote between Hilary and McCain. I still dislike Hilary very very much. I think there really is something dark and wrong about her.
Weird to think about.
I am just really rooting for Obama. Please Please Please. Oh and I really hope that he is who he seems to be.