Do your country and the kids you love a favor this year... boycott Chinese made toys. A little bit of Google searching can show you plenty of options. It isn't just about the safety question either... although that is surely a very important reason. Support our own economy. It's worth a couple extra bucks to put Americans to work.
I'm on the Illinois - Wisconsin state line tonight. It's snowing. I have a 6am delivery in Milwaukee. But hey... I'm about to watch "Pirates 3"... hopefully it will be good. Or, at least I'll watch as much of it as I am able before I fall asleep...
I'm on the Illinois - Wisconsin state line tonight. It's snowing. I have a 6am delivery in Milwaukee. But hey... I'm about to watch "Pirates 3"... hopefully it will be good. Or, at least I'll watch as much of it as I am able before I fall asleep...
Friday was a pretty damn bad day, but today was the new worst day of my life. Got the truck into a really really tight spot, tagged a vehicle for accident number FIVE in my first fuckin year.