If you're wishing to get world peace for Christmas, then you're naive. It isn't because of it being so unlikely. Perhaps it is unlikely... but that isn't what makes you naive. It isn't your lack of understanding of the inherently evil side of human nature (as a whole). Nope, it is something entirely different.
Have you ever seen one of those old Twilight Zone episodes where someone makes a wish... and through some miraculous turn of events the wish actually comes true. But in the last frames of the show... he discovers the horrible, un-anticipated side effect of having their wish.
You want world peace on earth? Read 1984. Personally, the only way I see it happening is if someone or some nation forcefully conquers the entire planet. All of earth under one tyrannical rule. You might get peace, but give up every freedom you love as a consequence.
So fuck you, world peace. Right in the pooper.
Have you ever seen one of those old Twilight Zone episodes where someone makes a wish... and through some miraculous turn of events the wish actually comes true. But in the last frames of the show... he discovers the horrible, un-anticipated side effect of having their wish.
You want world peace on earth? Read 1984. Personally, the only way I see it happening is if someone or some nation forcefully conquers the entire planet. All of earth under one tyrannical rule. You might get peace, but give up every freedom you love as a consequence.
So fuck you, world peace. Right in the pooper.