So this morning I'm delivering to a recycling yard in Framingham, Massachusetts. It's a good thing I have waterproof boots because I stepped into some filthy water about up to my ankles. Totally couldn't tell either... looked like solid ground -- or junk rather. Pants and boots got wet but my feet remained dry. Lucky.
Ended up talking to the guy who owns the place. After a few minutes he declared me to be too smart to be driving a truck. I suppose he's right if you want to subscribe to the theory that everyone needs to have a job that fully utilized their intellectual capacity. But there are reasons I do this. Some of them are even legitimate. I will admit to being somewhat lazy in my own pursuit of higher education, however. Or easily distracted. Once upon a time I had a full scholarship to Worcester Polytechnic Institute. For those not from the area, it is a school generally considered to be second only to MIT for engineering and sciences in this region. You have to be extremely bright to get in, let alone have a scholarship.
But no... this morning I am sitting in a junk yard. With shitty water-soaked jeans that I wont bother to change until I'm done here and parked at home for the weekend. Then I'll take my mother out to lunch and make a list of things to do before I hit the road again on Tuesday. All for a measly fifty grand.
It's pretty hard to undo circumstances in life, however. Things happen. Responsibilities present themselves that cannot be easily ignored the way they could when you were 19. The good news is that despite all of that, I'm still generally happy. So whatever.
Ended up talking to the guy who owns the place. After a few minutes he declared me to be too smart to be driving a truck. I suppose he's right if you want to subscribe to the theory that everyone needs to have a job that fully utilized their intellectual capacity. But there are reasons I do this. Some of them are even legitimate. I will admit to being somewhat lazy in my own pursuit of higher education, however. Or easily distracted. Once upon a time I had a full scholarship to Worcester Polytechnic Institute. For those not from the area, it is a school generally considered to be second only to MIT for engineering and sciences in this region. You have to be extremely bright to get in, let alone have a scholarship.
But no... this morning I am sitting in a junk yard. With shitty water-soaked jeans that I wont bother to change until I'm done here and parked at home for the weekend. Then I'll take my mother out to lunch and make a list of things to do before I hit the road again on Tuesday. All for a measly fifty grand.
It's pretty hard to undo circumstances in life, however. Things happen. Responsibilities present themselves that cannot be easily ignored the way they could when you were 19. The good news is that despite all of that, I'm still generally happy. So whatever.
Obviously, this guy never read Dilbert.
I've never had a sense of my intelligence being a marketable commodity.