Have you seen that television commercial for the car that can parallel park itself?
Yeah. Is this really a good idea? I mean, we already have more than our share of people on the road with no fucking clue what they are doing. A car that can perform what is frankly a very basic maneuver for you seems to condone ignorance. As if it doesn't make a difference if you have the cognitive and coordinative skills necessary to put your car in between the lines.
I'm a bona fide gadget and technology freak. But not all applications make sense.
I'd like to see that fucker park a tractor-trailer. At least I can rest comfortably knowing that automation will not progress to the point of replacing my job until well after my retirement.
Yeah. Is this really a good idea? I mean, we already have more than our share of people on the road with no fucking clue what they are doing. A car that can perform what is frankly a very basic maneuver for you seems to condone ignorance. As if it doesn't make a difference if you have the cognitive and coordinative skills necessary to put your car in between the lines.
I'm a bona fide gadget and technology freak. But not all applications make sense.
I'd like to see that fucker park a tractor-trailer. At least I can rest comfortably knowing that automation will not progress to the point of replacing my job until well after my retirement.
I am not at all confident that technology will not eventually eliminate my career. It seems that man is well on the way to making himself obsolete. What will there be for people to do when machines can do everything better and more cheaply than we can? Yes, I am something of a luddite.
One of the videos we saw in class was about future technology, and there was a brief bit showing some guys developing robotically driven trucks. It struck me that what those men were doing was basically working to put the equivalent of all the people in a medium sized city out of work.
I'm only counting on maybe ten years before technology wipes out my job. Subsequent to that I'll probably go back to school and be a college professor, or something like that.