9-11 was a horrible day. I'm listening to re-broadcasts of the live reports. It stirs up all of the same feelings, except now I'm mad as hell at my own government ALSO.
Five years later and we still look like a monkey fucking a football in that we haven't found THE GUY. The supposed guy. Hell I don't even know if I completely believe that anymore. But all conspiracy theories aside, we have plenty to be angry about. Like what the hell are we doing in Iraq and why does our president... whom I VOTED FOR... continue to imply that the two are somehow connected. It's ridiculous, and shamefull.
I have friends of friends (or family members) who were affected by this. Nobody that I know personally. My heart goes out to anyone still in pain from that day. I wish I could say that we have "solved" the problem... or at least satisfied vengeance. But no.
There is so much about that day that I remember. For a long time I believed the media. Now I am the same as you, and I'm not too sure what I believe. I do not want to step on toes, and my hearts go out to the families affected as well, but I wish we could solve some real problems around here...poverty, pollution, aids... yeah
no balcony but we do have a screened in porch. The man uses it for smoking butts cuz I won't let him smoke in the apartment.