When exactly did basketball shorts go from short length to long? I suspect some time in the 1990s but I'm not really certain. It's somewhat amusing to me (not to mention makes me feel old) to see footage from the 80's with players all wearing actual SHORT length shorts. And then to recognize that I mostly grew up during that decade.
Do you remember your parents listening to "oldies" music? I know mine had their favorite stations. For me, this usually meant they were listening to 50s and 60s music with a smattering of 70s mixed in perhaps. Well... now I often listen to my 80's station on SIRIUS. Teenagers pretty much consider these songs "oldies" today. Yikes. Even you twenty-somethings were youngsters then and most likely identify much more with the music from the decade following. I remember REM before they were famous. I recall buying The Cure's "Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me" as my very first CD when it was released. I remember that hot new girl Madonna and her first BIG hit "Holiday". We talked about her during my middle-school spanish class.
Right... and I just watched an episode of Miami Vice where Kramer (aka Michael Richards) was the bad guy. Of course, season one had shows with Al Bundy (whatever his name is) and Bruce Willis... before either was famous for doing anything else. Funny.
And on a completely unrelated topic, I think MySpace is the most retarded thing ever. Maybe it's an example of generation gap, I don't know. Is it mostly the folks who have never known life without the internet? Get off my lawn you punks.
Do you remember your parents listening to "oldies" music? I know mine had their favorite stations. For me, this usually meant they were listening to 50s and 60s music with a smattering of 70s mixed in perhaps. Well... now I often listen to my 80's station on SIRIUS. Teenagers pretty much consider these songs "oldies" today. Yikes. Even you twenty-somethings were youngsters then and most likely identify much more with the music from the decade following. I remember REM before they were famous. I recall buying The Cure's "Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me" as my very first CD when it was released. I remember that hot new girl Madonna and her first BIG hit "Holiday". We talked about her during my middle-school spanish class.
Right... and I just watched an episode of Miami Vice where Kramer (aka Michael Richards) was the bad guy. Of course, season one had shows with Al Bundy (whatever his name is) and Bruce Willis... before either was famous for doing anything else. Funny.
And on a completely unrelated topic, I think MySpace is the most retarded thing ever. Maybe it's an example of generation gap, I don't know. Is it mostly the folks who have never known life without the internet? Get off my lawn you punks.

I remember the network switches, but I was in the South so the channels were different.. but that was a time before microwaves, remotes and MTV.

I do remember some grocery stores that had that.. mainly in the New England area.. didn't see that much in the Southso the winter's there were milder. However, Southern Hospitality dictates that a bagger escorts the customer to the car and unloads them for the customer and no tip is expected. Now I'm homesick for some soul food and the smell of orange blossoms.