I realize that it is a serious shame that I have just seen the movie "The DaVinci Code" but not yet read the novel. The NOVEL. I think a lot of people are forgetting that this story was put forth as a work of fiction and not as an investigative report. Anyhow, it has been on my to-do list for the last couple of years but I've always managed to pick something else up instead. I'll read it now with a bit more interest... if only to provide greater detail.
I felt the movie was average, as movies go. Those people who are suggesting this movie is the worst thing ever stink of having an agenda... some ulterior motive for wanting to slam the movie. That's a shame. For while this was no masterpiece of film making, to suggest that it was a horrible piece of crap is simply a ridicuous lie. It was squarely average. And while I cannot compare to a more detailed (book) portrayal of the lead character, Tom Hanks seemed like a decent choice. But then again he's a good actor and MOST of his films have been worthwhile since the travesties such as "Turner & Hooch". Ugh. Suffice to say he brings a lot to any role he accepts.
The more interesting element at play... and the reason this book and movie has been so popular and / or controversial is the ideas presented therein. Once again... important to remind folks that this was written as fiction. Those most upset about this book act as if it was a direct attack on Christianity and Catholicism in particular. I'll admit, that were the ideas TRUE then this would be understandable. There ARE in fact an incredible number of suspicious or interesting circumstances regarding the works of DaVinci and even the known (or unknown) history of Jesus. None of that really means anything, however. And yet, folks are completely outraged about any possible suggestion that Jesus was not the son of God, and that he may have been married and had at least one child. Now... we ARE talking about a jewish man during a period of time when getting married and having children was pretty much demanded. It was a perfectly normal and expected thing. So what? Maybe he DID... and that leads to a bloodline. The real "threat" here is the potential revelation that the Christian religion has been based on lies for the last 2000 years. Is -THAT- possibility really so hard to believe? People in power have lied to maintain that power throughout human history. The church is no different. Religion is a form of control. Establishing and retaining control over people is a lot easier when you provide something extraordinary for them to believe in. To unify them. None of this suggests that any of these "alternative" ideas about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Holy Grail is true, but it's also not impossible or even ridiculous. It's all perfectly plausible. In some lights, perhaps more so than suggesting that this man was the walking embodiment of God. Like THAT isn't a fantastic suggestion?
Some Catholics are just so upset. Why? Do these ideas cut so deeply that their faith is placed in question? If their faith is unaffected, then who cares? I think more likely is the fact that they'd simply hate to be wrong. It's a slap in their face that something they have supposedly believed in their whole lives was based on utter lies and fabrication. In other words, they don't like to think themselves as fools naive enough to believe the greatest lie in history.
But then again it's not a lie. It's a novel. Fiction. Supposedly. But I guess we'll never know with certainty. You either believe in your faith, or you don't. When people in this country begin suggesting things like censorship or banning of the book or movie I start to get worried. Hello, but you live in the United Fucking States of America. People can say whatever the fuck they want to say and there isn't a damn thing you or anyone else can do about it. Your only choice is whether or not you listen.
If you don't like the ideas in the book or the movie, that's your business. But suggesting others shouldn't be exposed to it makes you a moron.
Anyhow, I do recommend the movie. Not because it's a great movie, but just because it is an interesting topic. It's mind-expanding to think of such strongly established "facts" of religion as being potentially wrong or even completely fabricated.
I felt the movie was average, as movies go. Those people who are suggesting this movie is the worst thing ever stink of having an agenda... some ulterior motive for wanting to slam the movie. That's a shame. For while this was no masterpiece of film making, to suggest that it was a horrible piece of crap is simply a ridicuous lie. It was squarely average. And while I cannot compare to a more detailed (book) portrayal of the lead character, Tom Hanks seemed like a decent choice. But then again he's a good actor and MOST of his films have been worthwhile since the travesties such as "Turner & Hooch". Ugh. Suffice to say he brings a lot to any role he accepts.
The more interesting element at play... and the reason this book and movie has been so popular and / or controversial is the ideas presented therein. Once again... important to remind folks that this was written as fiction. Those most upset about this book act as if it was a direct attack on Christianity and Catholicism in particular. I'll admit, that were the ideas TRUE then this would be understandable. There ARE in fact an incredible number of suspicious or interesting circumstances regarding the works of DaVinci and even the known (or unknown) history of Jesus. None of that really means anything, however. And yet, folks are completely outraged about any possible suggestion that Jesus was not the son of God, and that he may have been married and had at least one child. Now... we ARE talking about a jewish man during a period of time when getting married and having children was pretty much demanded. It was a perfectly normal and expected thing. So what? Maybe he DID... and that leads to a bloodline. The real "threat" here is the potential revelation that the Christian religion has been based on lies for the last 2000 years. Is -THAT- possibility really so hard to believe? People in power have lied to maintain that power throughout human history. The church is no different. Religion is a form of control. Establishing and retaining control over people is a lot easier when you provide something extraordinary for them to believe in. To unify them. None of this suggests that any of these "alternative" ideas about Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the Holy Grail is true, but it's also not impossible or even ridiculous. It's all perfectly plausible. In some lights, perhaps more so than suggesting that this man was the walking embodiment of God. Like THAT isn't a fantastic suggestion?
Some Catholics are just so upset. Why? Do these ideas cut so deeply that their faith is placed in question? If their faith is unaffected, then who cares? I think more likely is the fact that they'd simply hate to be wrong. It's a slap in their face that something they have supposedly believed in their whole lives was based on utter lies and fabrication. In other words, they don't like to think themselves as fools naive enough to believe the greatest lie in history.
But then again it's not a lie. It's a novel. Fiction. Supposedly. But I guess we'll never know with certainty. You either believe in your faith, or you don't. When people in this country begin suggesting things like censorship or banning of the book or movie I start to get worried. Hello, but you live in the United Fucking States of America. People can say whatever the fuck they want to say and there isn't a damn thing you or anyone else can do about it. Your only choice is whether or not you listen.
If you don't like the ideas in the book or the movie, that's your business. But suggesting others shouldn't be exposed to it makes you a moron.
Anyhow, I do recommend the movie. Not because it's a great movie, but just because it is an interesting topic. It's mind-expanding to think of such strongly established "facts" of religion as being potentially wrong or even completely fabricated.
Mostly because I like to think of myself as a scientist. Once something can be scientifically proven, then maybe I will believe it!
That theory of gravity thing...still having a hard time believing that one!!
Religion is TOTALLY a form of control!
(and what a good way to put it!)
Religion isn't my thing.
Brucey was GREAT. See my journal.