[Last Tuesday I went to Vsters with new butterflys in my stommach. to see Johanna at Blubird Tattoo. I cant understand why I cant eat somthing in the morning the days when I am supposed to be tattoeed later. Im to nervuse for that. I dont worried about the pain, actually I think its a nice feeling to be tattooed.

(See more pics in the end of this blog)
I trust Johanna in one thousand per cent so i have given her free hands to work out some nice designs on my arm.
She always tell me look in the mirror after that sha haveapplyd the stencile on the arm. I just say its not nessesary to look, but look anyway. I Know that the result alvays been much better then the stencile. I know that I cant see the the coolurs and bacaus of thet dont understand the whole piture.
Its so Nice to know that I can trust her.
She told me thet she would like to see me regularity to continue thes project. She really like this project and she want to finish this as fast as i want.
The probleme is that she is fullbooked to june, she only have som hours here and there left for work in progress.
I know that she do what she can to find some time for me.
Next appotmaint is supposed to be 9 of March.
If it was upp to me or she it would like to happen to morrow, but she have not the time, I have not all that money that I need and the body needs to rest a few weeks betveen the sessions.
We had a litle problem when we started this project. I couldnt explain for here what I liked to have.
She tried to draw somthing up, but I understand it was hard for here, all I have told here was Do what ever you want, the must importent is that gonna be niceactually I really dont care what the motives is as long as its your style
She had draw up one suggestion, but that design dosent worked out well on my arm becaus of my old tattoo, so she need to come u with some new Ide just in a few secounds and the mermmaid was born.
Now we have learnd to understand each other and both of us are wery pleasd of the reults.
think we gonna add a Ship/Ship wreck in the horizon ,storm, mail in a bottle and much more.
I cant wait to se the finish reults

(See more pics in the end of this blog)
I trust Johanna in one thousand per cent so i have given her free hands to work out some nice designs on my arm.
She always tell me look in the mirror after that sha haveapplyd the stencile on the arm. I just say its not nessesary to look, but look anyway. I Know that the result alvays been much better then the stencile. I know that I cant see the the coolurs and bacaus of thet dont understand the whole piture.
Its so Nice to know that I can trust her.
She told me thet she would like to see me regularity to continue thes project. She really like this project and she want to finish this as fast as i want.
The probleme is that she is fullbooked to june, she only have som hours here and there left for work in progress.
I know that she do what she can to find some time for me.
Next appotmaint is supposed to be 9 of March.
If it was upp to me or she it would like to happen to morrow, but she have not the time, I have not all that money that I need and the body needs to rest a few weeks betveen the sessions.
We had a litle problem when we started this project. I couldnt explain for here what I liked to have.
She tried to draw somthing up, but I understand it was hard for here, all I have told here was Do what ever you want, the must importent is that gonna be niceactually I really dont care what the motives is as long as its your style
She had draw up one suggestion, but that design dosent worked out well on my arm becaus of my old tattoo, so she need to come u with some new Ide just in a few secounds and the mermmaid was born.
Now we have learnd to understand each other and both of us are wery pleasd of the reults.
think we gonna add a Ship/Ship wreck in the horizon ,storm, mail in a bottle and much more.
I cant wait to se the finish reults

why cant you eat something before getting tattooed? i always eat about an hour before but avoid coffee.... makes you bleed more.