I actually dont know what i should talk about to day.
But People seems to like to talk abot three things so I think I talk about this thre tings too.
# 1 Peopel loves to talka about weather.
The weather here was rain when I went out for Lunch, but when I left work teh sun shine and the heaven was blue
Pretty good weater whith other word.
# 2 Peopel seems to like to talk about time. or atleast time they not have, But I think I not have time to talka about that.
# 3 People seems to like to talka about money, atleast money they wish they had.
To day its payday. I get my payment from the work today. Thats nice, The money I get is from June. In sweden it was the Swedish day 6th june, (Like 4 juliy in US).
Most people was free from work that day, but my comapny asked me if i could work, and ofcorse there was some more money than a ordinary day.
Well, I figred out that I earned about 2634 swedish kr that day. 7 Swedish kr is about 1 US dollar so thats isa about 375 US dollar.
I figuerd out that if I have the samm income as 6th june every day that would be about 50-55 000 a month or 7565 dollar a month....
But its only 6 th june one day a year... and a ordinary day i earn obout 900 Swedish kr....
But IF i earned this money as & th june every day I think i should go to work with a smile every day
But People seems to like to talk abot three things so I think I talk about this thre tings too.
# 1 Peopel loves to talka about weather.
The weather here was rain when I went out for Lunch, but when I left work teh sun shine and the heaven was blue

# 2 Peopel seems to like to talk about time. or atleast time they not have, But I think I not have time to talka about that.
# 3 People seems to like to talka about money, atleast money they wish they had.
To day its payday. I get my payment from the work today. Thats nice, The money I get is from June. In sweden it was the Swedish day 6th june, (Like 4 juliy in US).
Most people was free from work that day, but my comapny asked me if i could work, and ofcorse there was some more money than a ordinary day.
Well, I figred out that I earned about 2634 swedish kr that day. 7 Swedish kr is about 1 US dollar so thats isa about 375 US dollar.
I figuerd out that if I have the samm income as 6th june every day that would be about 50-55 000 a month or 7565 dollar a month....
But its only 6 th june one day a year... and a ordinary day i earn obout 900 Swedish kr....
But IF i earned this money as & th june every day I think i should go to work with a smile every day