Today I get a mstic phonecall on my cell phone when I drived my car home from work. The conersiton get on like this
" Hi Jrgen Its Helena"
" Who?"
"Helena but I think I have called wrong number, I seek Jrgen " And the last name was exactly like my Name.
" Ok, I know a few peopel who calls Helana, But I dont recordnize the woice"
" No, Im sure I calld wrong, Im sorry. I must get wrong number, but thanks anyway."
" No problem"
End of the call
Then when I come home I relized that I get Mystic SMS last week, but I didnt understand the message, and I dont recordnigzed the phon number so I looked at Eniro, where you can find out who have a specific phonnumber and the message was sent from a man who have exactly the same name as me.
I get very comfused by now, and thinked that the call from Helena and the sms have some conection. Maby somone have messed up the numbers so I decide to call here back, Maby it was in that way that Jrgen sholud send the SMS to Helena and messed up the numbers... Any way, I called her back, becaus I hade the numebr from the sms left in my phone so I thinked, maby it was that number she needed...
Any way... just when she ansverd the phone I relized that cant be that way either... but its to late, so I went on and I was very confuced... But I tell her that i get at sms from a Jrgen last week and said that my first though was that he sent here a message, but that i Relized just when she asnverd that it could be in that way... It must been you who tried to sms him, not hi who tride to sms you so you probably not gonna be helpt abot to know the number where the sms come from.
She said that was a very confusing thing everything. Shes was Jrgens daugther, and she tride to call him, but messed up the numbers, and yes she tried to SMS him last week, but I get the message. I ts not enough with confuce here. Hers phonnumber is written on here father, so thats the explenation that I find his name on Eniro and that is probaly that who is the reson to why I been confused from the first place, and thinked litle wrong when I thinked that the sms and the phone call have som conection.
The true is that they have a conection, but not the conection that I first tinked..
She found the right number so she have come in contact with him now.
I thinked Think if its imoportan that she can reach him, and Tink if that I get his cellphone number by a sms in my phone ande she not find it. I wanna where a nice helping man .
II wasnt to any help, But atleast I get a explanation to the mystic sms and the mystic phone call to day and now I know that everythin is ok, the right Jrgen is found.
Im just a litle curios now who she is, she sounds so nice.... Maby, just maby Im the right Jrgen for her... Maby I that prince on the white horsde that she have dreeamd about whole her life but dosnt know that.
This mornig when I wake up I figured out that my blog to day should be about this site and that I found the chat funktion lasst night a few minutes before I went to bed. I dont know why I didnt seen that funktion earlier but I been a member of this site for 2 years... But that story gonna be another day...maby... But I can say a short thing about the chat before I quit.
When I was in the chat yesterday evening, there was two peole who talked said hello to me. I m sorry, but I only remeber one name. She said hello to me and said that she dont thinked she have seen me before in the chat and wished me welcome. That was really Nice I think
Thank you Sin, I hope to speeak to you some more time and when I dont need to go to bed . Why Need I go to beed and sleep just when the funny beguinnies ?
Wgy cant I just sit and talk to nice people and make new friends and cyber frinds ower the world all days and all nights, Why I need go to work. Is the life really suposed to work work and work forever ???
Why cant I get the mony from a tree instead?
See you later, and Thansks again Sin for the warm welcome to the chat yesterday. I wish all people was so nice and friendly, both IRL and in the syber space
" Hi Jrgen Its Helena"
" Who?"
"Helena but I think I have called wrong number, I seek Jrgen " And the last name was exactly like my Name.
" Ok, I know a few peopel who calls Helana, But I dont recordnize the woice"
" No, Im sure I calld wrong, Im sorry. I must get wrong number, but thanks anyway."
" No problem"
End of the call
Then when I come home I relized that I get Mystic SMS last week, but I didnt understand the message, and I dont recordnigzed the phon number so I looked at Eniro, where you can find out who have a specific phonnumber and the message was sent from a man who have exactly the same name as me.
I get very comfused by now, and thinked that the call from Helena and the sms have some conection. Maby somone have messed up the numbers so I decide to call here back, Maby it was in that way that Jrgen sholud send the SMS to Helena and messed up the numbers... Any way, I called her back, becaus I hade the numebr from the sms left in my phone so I thinked, maby it was that number she needed...
Any way... just when she ansverd the phone I relized that cant be that way either... but its to late, so I went on and I was very confuced... But I tell her that i get at sms from a Jrgen last week and said that my first though was that he sent here a message, but that i Relized just when she asnverd that it could be in that way... It must been you who tried to sms him, not hi who tride to sms you so you probably not gonna be helpt abot to know the number where the sms come from.
She said that was a very confusing thing everything. Shes was Jrgens daugther, and she tride to call him, but messed up the numbers, and yes she tried to SMS him last week, but I get the message. I ts not enough with confuce here. Hers phonnumber is written on here father, so thats the explenation that I find his name on Eniro and that is probaly that who is the reson to why I been confused from the first place, and thinked litle wrong when I thinked that the sms and the phone call have som conection.
The true is that they have a conection, but not the conection that I first tinked..
She found the right number so she have come in contact with him now.
I thinked Think if its imoportan that she can reach him, and Tink if that I get his cellphone number by a sms in my phone ande she not find it. I wanna where a nice helping man .
II wasnt to any help, But atleast I get a explanation to the mystic sms and the mystic phone call to day and now I know that everythin is ok, the right Jrgen is found.
Im just a litle curios now who she is, she sounds so nice.... Maby, just maby Im the right Jrgen for her... Maby I that prince on the white horsde that she have dreeamd about whole her life but dosnt know that.
This mornig when I wake up I figured out that my blog to day should be about this site and that I found the chat funktion lasst night a few minutes before I went to bed. I dont know why I didnt seen that funktion earlier but I been a member of this site for 2 years... But that story gonna be another day...maby... But I can say a short thing about the chat before I quit.
When I was in the chat yesterday evening, there was two peole who talked said hello to me. I m sorry, but I only remeber one name. She said hello to me and said that she dont thinked she have seen me before in the chat and wished me welcome. That was really Nice I think
Why cant I get the mony from a tree instead?
See you later, and Thansks again Sin for the warm welcome to the chat yesterday. I wish all people was so nice and friendly, both IRL and in the syber space
keep us posted! would be a fun story to tell your grandkids :-)