Last Night I had a pretty mellow night with my girlfriend. Had a nice Thai dinner at a resaturant around the corner and then rented the "Royal Tannenbaums" which I greatly enjoyed. I almost rented Donnie Darko since everybody here seems to have enjoyed that so much, maybe next time. Watching DVD's in bed curled up around a laptop is such a treat sometimes.

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when i am typing fast i always type "result" as "reslut," and it always makes me laugh aloud. Always.
*waves the banner she made last night*



the ol' head is a throbbin' this morning.

Had a nice night of liver damage with donkey and tuffy. Also got to see sixsixty for a second who is always a nice guy. It turns out that I was standing right in front of Dia while I was talking to sixsixty and did not realize it until she left. That's what I get for...
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im just glad to know that theres suicide members that know each other in person. have fun, kids.
I need to kick it with you SF kids before I leave =(
yay fun with new camera...get ready for gratuitous profile pic updates. like this one

I'm off to go get my drink on with Tattooed_Donkey for Liltuffy's birthday.

mama's you better lock up your daughters, this could get ugly....

yeah, nice meeting you too. It was a good time and the Killer Kiss sounded awesome. The mural i painted was a temporary thing just for the day and it's already long gone. sorry. Check the my site linked on my profile page for some of my current work. it will be updated on the 1st. I hope.
Oh yes... picture trading time. wink
greetings gang.

I had a weekend of unspeakable decadence (well except for sunday night, which I spent scrubbing a bathtub and sneezing like crazy due to an allergy attack).
So of course today work is all the more brutal. Sometimes I wonder how I can sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day doing mindless busy-work.

Oh yeah, I guess I'm not...
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good job with the camera. i assume you will put the photos up on joryland once you start shooting?
oh so my girlfriend is now totally fascinated by my interest in this site. Sounds like she looked around a bit and liked what she saw. : )

She asked me if I was okay with her looking around.
I told her that if she wants look around and read all my conversations that she should join up and not be a wallflower. She is...
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Although my boyfriend isn't a member, he sits with me while I type messages all the time. He'll help me put my thoughts together or give me his own opinion on stuff. Of course I always show him the girls. His friend was over while I was online the other day and they came in the office where I was. His friend kind of stopped and watched me looking at the site and my man goes, "Come on.. you gotta love a girl that looks at porn."


Glad you had a good weekend, J! *hugz*
Noncomdrone and I are a real life couple who actually met through this site in January. By the way, Magnetic Fields are awesome. I have had the verse "I'm crazy for you, but not that crazy" stuck in my head for the past couple of days. Maybe I should play a new cd in my car.
Hi gang

I am crazy sleepy this grey morning in the city by the bay.

Last night I got to meet sixsixty, tattooed_donkey, requeim, liltuffy, O, S5, and Lola at Thursday Curry.

No surprise they were as groovy in person as you would expect. We enjoyed a delicious Indian dinner followed by taking in a few Gay House music videos at the in the castro....
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The only reason I "feel" for Apple is that their product is superior to that of Microsoft's, but 90% of the world doesn't know this. They gotta get the cash somehow, as lame as it might be for the consumers. But, the OX 10.2 is ridiculous.
bloo hair is my absolute FAVORITE *drool*
Girl you know you're growin up so fast.
Mama's worryin that you wont last to say
let's play

Yup..its still stuck in my head. A tip to all of you if you have a song stuck in your head, don't write it in your journal, 'caude if you happen to get it out, it jumps right back in your head when you read your last...
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As a parent with weird food tastes, I know that you need to be REALLY careful when feeding a "different" diet to your kids. This is not because different diets are wrong or whatnot, just that sometimes what may be a healthy amount of something for you, is not so for the child (because children need different things at different times), and if your doctor is unaware of said diet, then he will not know what warning factors to look for in a malnurished child. However if you make your doctor aware of the diet you use, and watch to make sure your child is getting the right amounts of minerals and vitamins and nutrients, you will be fine. You just need to be aware of what children need at what times (for instance: infants go through several growth spurts which you can predict pretty spot on. During these times the child may need more or less of various things. As long as they are receiving those, you are usually ok)

The hardest part of raising kids with a "different" lifestyle or eating style or what have you, is explaining to them in a way that seems fair and that they understand why they(we) do things differently then other families. This gets more and more hard as children reach school age and are exposed more to other kids then their own families each day. For instance, my mother never gave us refined sugar, which worked fine at age four when we didnt know any better, but was irksome by age eight when we had tasted twinkies, and knew most of the other children got them in their lunches every day. Also in my house, the children do not watch television, however they can watch movies or dvds or what have you. But this leaves them somewhat at a loss when it comes to saturday morning cartoons and what is currently cool.

For reference: I have two very good friends who were raised fully vegetarian and one vegan who to this day still hold strictly to it (no deviations ever). As for me, I am mostly so, but refuse to give up fish. And due to my health, I doubt I could ever go vegan. My doctor already has hysterics knowing how "bad" I eat at this point.
re: being careful. I forgot to point out that any parent should be aware of this. Its just that during growth spurts, in older children, they often need alot more protein and you may need to restructure your diet to include this. This can be easier in a "normal" meat inclusive diet since meat can contain alot of protein.
Wow I knew my lack of sleep would catch up with me. My girlfriend and I curled up on the couch in our room at about 6:30 PM to read a little. I woke up at 4:00 in the morning and rolled over to the bed to sleep the rest of the night. While the 13 hours of sleep were nice, I had a lot...
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Hmm....what could possibly outdo "Sister Christian"? Howabout Ted Nugent's "Cat Scratch Fever" Hahaha.
loincloths! oy vey...
just got back from a furious night of jazz.

it was nice to just wail on some classic straight-ahead tunes for a change. I've been doing so much electronic stuff and free jazz recently I had forgotten about the pleasures of hard bop standards.

I seem to have totally turned my days and nights around again. I don't really approach being tired until about 1...
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Today is much better... Thanks. smile
yer not bad yerself there tiger

I'm a new man. I just spent the weekend up at the sierraville hot springs with about 10 friends. It was just what the doctor ordered. If anybody lives in Northern California or is going through Tahoe I strongly suggest you check this place out. their website is http://www.sierrahotsprings.org/

I spent the weekend either eating delicious meals that we cooked in their guest kitchen...
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I'm glad you had a chance to decompress. Did you roommates go to or did you go with other friends?
no I went with a bunch of folks that I put on parties with. We we going to actually do an outdoor party this weekend, but we decided to just have a retreat for the posse. I'm glad we decided to take it easy becasue I never feel rested after a party where I have to lug deco and big speakers around all weekend.
We just set up a boombox, ate some E, got nekkid, and soaked in the hot springs.
Bought my burning man ticket today finally.
I was a wee bit worried that i would not be able to afford it this year as I have not been working as much. A cheesy wedding Jazz gig saved my butt.

I announced to work that I was going and I hoped, in a weird way, that they would tell me I couldn't go so I...
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Thanks you Jory.
I've taken a leaf from Dia's inspiring attitude and seek to make peace with people. And I agree with Huxley that I'm alone, and with you and the Dalai Lama that it's my enemy to fight alone. I also appreciate your post. I hope you enjoy burning man. I've heard things about that event. If a crazy photographer asked you to joint a group of people posing naked for a photo do it! It would be a liberating experience.

Also, FOTR was an enjoyable movie. I'll never forget Gandalf (as played by Ian McKellen) when he gives that speech to Frodo while trying to remember the path to take. Interestingly, this speech is almost verbatim to the book however it occurs not in the mines of Moria, but in the Shire.
thanks for the compliment on the post jory...i appreciate your appreciation. i can't believe you took those pictures with a cheapo camera! nature was certainly giving you a sign to shoot! cool bosses only seem to be cool when you don't want them to be...why is that?


Street Sweeping Parking Ticket

That is such an evil racket.
Do other cities get this as bad as we do in S.F.?

I suspect not. I have been the victim all too many times of ridiculous citations issued injustly. some no parking signs are completely obstructed and have no red paint to suggest that you can't park there. What's more, I've watched people's doors get ripped off by busses. more than once....hectic city
hi jory. i am adding you to my friends list. consider lunches traded. 'sides, you know elly. elly rocks.