Well another Saturday night at home translating and being a geek. Going to the SG show tomorrow with Skank, actually feel like I shouldn't be going cause I've got so much work to do and I know I'll get pissed and be useless monday. Oh well, should be worth the sacrafice, such a difficult life I lead, lol. I downloaded the Billboard top 100 of 1991 the other day and I'm listening to it now, wow this brings back some memories. I was looking for Escape Club "I'll be there" but I'm listening to the whole thing, just listened to Winger "miles away" and Firehouse " love of a lifetime" now Prince "cream" is playing. I totally remember all of these songs and each one has big time memories associated with it, some good and many not so good. Reminds me of just how depressed I was when I was younger but I didn't actually know it at the time. It's weird cause all of the memories associated with these songs seem to be dark, not in any evil or sadistic way but they remind of the nights I spent listening to music and not knowing why I was so sad and why I hurt for no reason. Even the good memories associated with this music seem to be dark, nightime memories, kind of weird, I don't remember a lot of sunny days from that time. Ok that was deep. Anyways, looking forward to tomorrow eventhough I'm stressed about getting my translations done. Oh, Michael W. Smith "Place in this world" just came on, I'm such a nerd but I still love this shit, I guess that must really date me. Probably watch some football with skank tomorrow before we go out but the Saints don't play till Monday so I'm not that worried. Big game Monday thought, GO SAINTS.