How can a song make you feel like it's grabbed you by the chest and squeezing. Almost a numb feeling, emotions peaked. Not sure if you want to cry, smile, laugh, scream. I'll never cease to be amazed by the power that music has to make you feel, feel good, bad, angry. There's a power there and I can't figure out if it's inside of...
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thank YOU for checking out my hell city video. i'm glad it brought a smile to your face!
Thanks for the add dear !
Well another Saturday night at home translating and being a geek. Going to the SG show tomorrow with Skank, actually feel like I shouldn't be going cause I've got so much work to do and I know I'll get pissed and be useless monday. Oh well, should be worth the sacrafice, such a difficult life I lead, lol. I downloaded the Billboard top 100 of...
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LEST WE FORGET 9/11 - Thoughts to all those who keep us safe and protect us. I don't always agree with the politics and policy but you can't take away from those who sacrifice themeselves for others. Politics aside Police, Health Care and Military (as well as many others) have a difficult job that I respect immensley. If only I could achieve a portion of...
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do you mean assistant or girlfriend. Cause those darn women are great at keeping us in line. Mine keeps me in check really good. If it wasnt for Girlfriends through the year i would prolly be dead from some dumbass thing i did. Maybe its time you come out and get a gal. Then i would have to listen to you BITCH about how long its been since you got some. hahahahaha.
One week till the burlesque.
Its like xmas in sept. im soo stoked
later freak
One week till the burlesque.
Its like xmas in sept. im soo stoked
later freak
Are you ready for some football!!! Opening Sunday.

More like "Aints"
1-15 prolly
1-15 prolly
Wow, two days in a row, I'm like a god. I could actually get used to this, just hope the other journal doesn't suffer. Thought for the day; I like music, I like it a lot. Anyways, off to the gym and then to the orifice for a couple hours of translating. Nice day though, supposed to be 30, probably one of the last ones,...
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I think there is a love in all our souls that shines like gold.
Sometimes it just needs a little (or a lot) of pollishing to show through.
Sometimes it just needs a little (or a lot) of pollishing to show through.

You have some new friends now.
Im totally impressed.
Im totally impressed.
Well here goes another attempt at semi-regular blogging. I think I deserve credit since it's only been a couple of months since my last entry rather than a year. I've decided to take another Sanskrit course this semester. I've been done my required courses for a year now and I'm just supposed to be writing my thesis. Instead I've been trying to work on my...
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Wow, talk about neglecting something, I haven't written on this forever. Did you ever think there's just too many places to blog now and it's a little overwhelming. I suppose a person could copy their blog from this site and paste it in their my space or something but that would be way to efficient and smart for me so I just avoid my blogs...
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so when you mean friends from the site you me ME, cause i am it. Hells i even got more than you and im a hermit.
I'm proud of myself because I actually got out last night and hung out with some of my friends for a while. Managed to keep it pretty tame but it was good to see the boys. Mainly just bullshitted about funny shit that's happened in the past. It's funny how you get so focussed on something like school but you don't realize how inefficient you...
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hey, get a profile picture and I'll let you into the canada west group.
If you're hot.
If you're hot.

Hey You Need To Update Your Blog Or Something Or Return A Message Or Im Going To Come And Pee In Your Bed When You Are Gone. HAHAHAHAHA
I was just reading a journal entry by Shayne that reminded me how important my family is to me. I talk to my parents every couple of days but a lot of the time I'm just trying to get off the phone with them because we do talk so much. I think I'll give them a call this weekend and make a point of actually...
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glad that i was able to give you some food for thought... especially when it's regarding parental appreciation. hope to see more of you around sg!