I just spent an hour doing my dishes- I hate doing dishes.
Anyone out there want to come over for dinner? I will cook- you just have to do the dishes.
Hope you all had a good new years- mine went alot better then I thought it would and then last night I went over to a friends house and played RISK- that is such a genious game/
Twas a good weekend- now back to the regular grind of work offset by the good nights that I have band practice.
Be Excellent to Each Other
Anyone out there want to come over for dinner? I will cook- you just have to do the dishes.
Hope you all had a good new years- mine went alot better then I thought it would and then last night I went over to a friends house and played RISK- that is such a genious game/
Twas a good weekend- now back to the regular grind of work offset by the good nights that I have band practice.
Be Excellent to Each Other
Doing dishes does suck some major ass, I'm so happy that the house I'm staying at has a dish washer, God's invention for people like us.

I resent that! I would never do a mans dishes! unles that man were satan because then I'd be all over that! (joke!)