Ugh- of course the only time I get sick in the last 4 months is during finals week- fuckin figures. My lips are so chapped I think im just gonna cut them off.
On another not fun note- My car broke down on Monday night- when I was on my way home from work at about 1:15am- I called AAA and it took them till 2 to get there- then I had it towed to my parents house (75 miles away)- so I had to ride up and back with the tow truck. I got back to my place at 7am- and then had a final at 10:30. Thankfully it was an easy one. I decided to maybe get my car fixed- if its only the clutch it will only cost me $400 to get that fixed- but if its the entire transmission- its $1500 and at that point- im junkin the car. I should find out in the next couple of days- keep your fingers crossed its just the clutch...
I had band practice last night- and dispite the practice space being 20 degrees- it went really well- we are really starting to rock.
So untill next time "Be Excellent To Each Other"
( Name the Movie that quote is from)
On another not fun note- My car broke down on Monday night- when I was on my way home from work at about 1:15am- I called AAA and it took them till 2 to get there- then I had it towed to my parents house (75 miles away)- so I had to ride up and back with the tow truck. I got back to my place at 7am- and then had a final at 10:30. Thankfully it was an easy one. I decided to maybe get my car fixed- if its only the clutch it will only cost me $400 to get that fixed- but if its the entire transmission- its $1500 and at that point- im junkin the car. I should find out in the next couple of days- keep your fingers crossed its just the clutch...
I had band practice last night- and dispite the practice space being 20 degrees- it went really well- we are really starting to rock.
So untill next time "Be Excellent To Each Other"
( Name the Movie that quote is from)
hope your feeling better!

feel better hun. my throat decided it was gonna hate me this week so im fighting for the verb to speak. that and it was so cold this morning i could have thrown up. there was like a wind chill of -4. ew. o and you remember judas, my badass corgi? he totally peed on my mom's boyfriends arm. i'm so friggin proud