Hello SGLand, how is everyone this week?
only two more days until thanksgiving and i'm actually cooking dinner at my house. first thanksgving that i'm going to cook myself! (watch out everyone!) but i'm really stoked because my dad is coming and haven't had thanksgiving with him in....well i can't even remember the last time. however, he is bringing my step-monster a.k.a. his wife. so wish me luck. ugh.
everything else is okay i suppose.
i've been working at this bbq for about a year now, prettttyyyy coooool. except i'm a vegetarian, but hey they pay me right!?
also, school is almost out for winterbreak which means one thing and one thing only.
(and party, so i guess it means two things)
that is all. hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday/winter/fall season
only two more days until thanksgiving and i'm actually cooking dinner at my house. first thanksgving that i'm going to cook myself! (watch out everyone!) but i'm really stoked because my dad is coming and haven't had thanksgiving with him in....well i can't even remember the last time. however, he is bringing my step-monster a.k.a. his wife. so wish me luck. ugh.
everything else is okay i suppose.
i've been working at this bbq for about a year now, prettttyyyy coooool. except i'm a vegetarian, but hey they pay me right!?
also, school is almost out for winterbreak which means one thing and one thing only.
(and party, so i guess it means two things)
that is all. hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday/winter/fall season
cool tarantula by the way
its my very first set
im so excited!!