UPDATE AGAIN: we just went shopping and restocked our bar!! godiva + absolute = true love.
who wants to come over for a drink??
and i got a bra. hahaha. i'm not a size b anymore, i've emerged into the proud world of C girls.
thick dark ominous clouds are about to rupture and soak brooklyn down to its last dirty bone. AWESOME.
i'm about to start reading "under the bridge" by rebecca godfrey....................she is a very talented, gritty writer. read her stuff!!!
special thanks to all ya'll who have bought my book so far!!
UPDATE: again, buy my book!!
or....you can buy it at spoonbill and sugartown in June. other independent bookstores tba soon.
did anyone see sopranos last night?
nexk week's episode is gonna be the hottest. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. it looks like tony and aj are gonna do the same stripper.
I am being such a dude right now, sitting here in my undies eating meatloaf and watching entourage. YESSSSSSSSS.
Last night was fire all around. In fact the whole day was good besides a self-inflicted wound. And to a certain someone Yes, I cut myself bad and my blood has not turned black yet.
I started drinking and listening to records at three. I dyed my hair a fire engine red, something very nineties grunge. I wore a vintage gray dress that fit so perfect it was as if it were made on me. Wish Id taken pictures but Im always too lazy to fetch the camera, but someone took pictures of me last night when I was reading so maybe Ill eventually get some copies. Me and my man had three glasses of wine before we got to Mr. Whipples penthouse, which is closer to Times Square than I remembered. My agent was very drunk and very enthusiastic to see me (ahaha, think she has a crush) she gave me a big long hug and took me around the party introducing me as an extraordinary writer, then she gave me a glass of wine then Mr. Whipple came over and gave me a shot of something powwow from a silver container and man I went way out into the deep sea and did another shot right before I read and I was so drunk and theatrical but everyone dug it and bought a copy, including the host himself!
Then I had another powwow, then a mix of beefeater and diet coke, I hate diet coke but there was no real sugar soda that I could spot. Oh yeah its really dangerous to be drunk in seven inch Gucci heels while standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF A FIREPLACE. Ahahah.
A copy of my book is now floating around in London!
My agent and some other people did some kind of reenactment of a Marqiuis De Sade thing, and she spilled wine all over her boobs and I thought it was on purpose and started clapping and she said, No, that wasnt intended. Too bad, she wasnt feelin frisky, cos I was gonna lick it off. Mr. Whipple kissed me on my way out
So whats every1 up to this weekend?
I smell so mine might include bathing at some point.
It occurred to me that you all now know my real name, at least those of you who have checked out my book. So Id like you all to tell me your real names, too. Haha, just kidding.
Back to watching whatevers on HBO and re-hydrating myself.
this is my friend, Mr. Whipple, interviewing Usher......

who wants to come over for a drink??
and i got a bra. hahaha. i'm not a size b anymore, i've emerged into the proud world of C girls.
thick dark ominous clouds are about to rupture and soak brooklyn down to its last dirty bone. AWESOME.
i'm about to start reading "under the bridge" by rebecca godfrey....................she is a very talented, gritty writer. read her stuff!!!
special thanks to all ya'll who have bought my book so far!!
UPDATE: again, buy my book!!
or....you can buy it at spoonbill and sugartown in June. other independent bookstores tba soon.
did anyone see sopranos last night?

nexk week's episode is gonna be the hottest. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. it looks like tony and aj are gonna do the same stripper.

I am being such a dude right now, sitting here in my undies eating meatloaf and watching entourage. YESSSSSSSSS.
Last night was fire all around. In fact the whole day was good besides a self-inflicted wound. And to a certain someone Yes, I cut myself bad and my blood has not turned black yet.
I started drinking and listening to records at three. I dyed my hair a fire engine red, something very nineties grunge. I wore a vintage gray dress that fit so perfect it was as if it were made on me. Wish Id taken pictures but Im always too lazy to fetch the camera, but someone took pictures of me last night when I was reading so maybe Ill eventually get some copies. Me and my man had three glasses of wine before we got to Mr. Whipples penthouse, which is closer to Times Square than I remembered. My agent was very drunk and very enthusiastic to see me (ahaha, think she has a crush) she gave me a big long hug and took me around the party introducing me as an extraordinary writer, then she gave me a glass of wine then Mr. Whipple came over and gave me a shot of something powwow from a silver container and man I went way out into the deep sea and did another shot right before I read and I was so drunk and theatrical but everyone dug it and bought a copy, including the host himself!
Then I had another powwow, then a mix of beefeater and diet coke, I hate diet coke but there was no real sugar soda that I could spot. Oh yeah its really dangerous to be drunk in seven inch Gucci heels while standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF A FIREPLACE. Ahahah.
A copy of my book is now floating around in London!
My agent and some other people did some kind of reenactment of a Marqiuis De Sade thing, and she spilled wine all over her boobs and I thought it was on purpose and started clapping and she said, No, that wasnt intended. Too bad, she wasnt feelin frisky, cos I was gonna lick it off. Mr. Whipple kissed me on my way out

So whats every1 up to this weekend?
I smell so mine might include bathing at some point.
It occurred to me that you all now know my real name, at least those of you who have checked out my book. So Id like you all to tell me your real names, too. Haha, just kidding.
Back to watching whatevers on HBO and re-hydrating myself.
this is my friend, Mr. Whipple, interviewing Usher......

he was here a mth ago but nobody would go with me and i didnt have the time to bus