And here is a random thingy I filled out:
1. What is your first name? Let's just say Jora, cuz at this point, I answer to it.
2. What is your middle name? Helene
3. What is your favorite color? Purple or blue...it switches
4. What is your favorite movie? Twin Falls Idaho
5. Coke or Pepsi? Diet Vanilla Pepsi
6. Chips or Pretzels? If I have to choose, chips.
7. How old were you for your first kiss? 6
8. First date? 12
9. What is your favorite food? Sushi
10. What do you do in your spare time? Sleep, read or write.
11. On Friday nights I ... work, as a Phone Sex Op, cuz it's a busy night.
12. Tea or coffee? Both!!
13. I drive a ... 1993 Ford Ranger XLT (great condition).
14. How many pets do you have? 5
15. What are they? 4 cats and 1 small dog who thinks she's a cat.
16. Their names are ... By move-in date...Martina, BeauBeau, Little Bit, Mackie (the dog) and Justin (my stepson cat).
17. Married or single? Taken, but not married.
18. Do you prefer indoors or outdoors? Hard question. I prefer the outdoors w/o any kind of crazy heat, but I stay indoors 90% of the time.
19. I wash my hair __ times a week. 6 or 7
20. Solid or spray deodorant? Gel
21. For me makeup consists of .. light on the foundation and blush, play up the eyes and lips.
22. Thong or full back? None at all, or french cut (so full-back).
23. Giving or receiving? Again... it depends. That question has too much psychological baggage attached to it for me to answer.
24. Ice cream or popcicles? Ice cream or sorbet.
25. I always say .. You get the Jora that you deserve.
26. When I am alone I like to .. think.
27. My favorite body part is .. on someone else, you mean? Eyes.
28. The first thing I notice on other people is .. body language.
29. Tits or ass? Tits.
30. One day I would like to travel to .. Ireland.
31. If I no one was looking I would .. write the greatest novel of all time.
32. My current crush is .. my cat, Martina.
33. How many brothers and sisters do you have? One half brother that I never speak to.
34. What languages do you speak? English, and understand some French.
35. What is typically in your purse? I use a messenger bag or backpack, in case I need...everything.
36. Heels or boots? Boots.
37. My natural hair is .. Reddish light brown.
38. I hate it when .. I feel angry inside and I don't know why.
39. If I could change one thing about myself it would be .. my bank account.
40. And the one thing we all want to know: I masturbate to .. EVERYTHING!!!!
You know... I contemplated declining you just to be a jerk but decided against it.

Good stuff to know......