**** 1:50am - One thing I must add: SALTY PANCAKES!!!! **** (
for fenris)
Time is flying by and I have no idea what's going on. I am still unemployed, which I am only bothered by because I am not bringing in any money. That sucks, because I like to spend it on dinners out, video games and books. I created an EBay seller account to try to get rid of all the stuff around here that I don't want anymore. I'm sure there will be a lot of it. Too bad SG doesn't have some sort of Classifieds section. Now I just need to figure it all out. I feel like a retard, but it seems a little complicated. Hmm.
Brian and I are going to have Thanksgiving dinner out with my mother tomorrow. Please let her not be a total asshole like she usually is. My threshold for her crap is at an all-time low. For example, she once again offered to buy me a new car (up to $25,000). Sounds like she's the best mother in the world, no? Um. no. She hassled me to pick out a car. I did. But now that I have, she wants me to look at another manufacturer. One that SHE likes. Oh, and I am supposed to be her personal assistant and doormat as well.
I go back and forth between feeling like she owes me for all the emotional abuse she has done to me over the years and wanting to refuse anything of monetary value from her because I want to be free from her emotional blackmail. Bottom line is that I need a new car. But, I have a feeling that I won't be accepting one from her, just like last year when she pulled this. (It was so emotionally draining for me, that I ended up refusing THAT car.) I need to see what it would take to get one on my own.
I hate my current profile pic. I need to take another one. My hair is so short and fried looking in that pic. The only good thing about it is that in the background, I can tell that my apartment was clean. Oh, how I long for those days! I live in such a mess now and I am both disgusted and overwhelmed by it. I want to clean, but then the dirty dishes and clothes that are piled on the floor seem to show evil teeth and growl my name as if I am some tasty treat. I usually run to my bed and jump under the covers with a good book at this point, holding onto my dirt denial for a while longer.
Sigh...I am still fighting off the last bit of this cold, so I guess I should go lay down. I feel a bit hyper though, so I hope I can get to sleep at a decent hour tonight.
Hugs to you (you all know who you are).

Time is flying by and I have no idea what's going on. I am still unemployed, which I am only bothered by because I am not bringing in any money. That sucks, because I like to spend it on dinners out, video games and books. I created an EBay seller account to try to get rid of all the stuff around here that I don't want anymore. I'm sure there will be a lot of it. Too bad SG doesn't have some sort of Classifieds section. Now I just need to figure it all out. I feel like a retard, but it seems a little complicated. Hmm.
Brian and I are going to have Thanksgiving dinner out with my mother tomorrow. Please let her not be a total asshole like she usually is. My threshold for her crap is at an all-time low. For example, she once again offered to buy me a new car (up to $25,000). Sounds like she's the best mother in the world, no? Um. no. She hassled me to pick out a car. I did. But now that I have, she wants me to look at another manufacturer. One that SHE likes. Oh, and I am supposed to be her personal assistant and doormat as well.
I go back and forth between feeling like she owes me for all the emotional abuse she has done to me over the years and wanting to refuse anything of monetary value from her because I want to be free from her emotional blackmail. Bottom line is that I need a new car. But, I have a feeling that I won't be accepting one from her, just like last year when she pulled this. (It was so emotionally draining for me, that I ended up refusing THAT car.) I need to see what it would take to get one on my own.
I hate my current profile pic. I need to take another one. My hair is so short and fried looking in that pic. The only good thing about it is that in the background, I can tell that my apartment was clean. Oh, how I long for those days! I live in such a mess now and I am both disgusted and overwhelmed by it. I want to clean, but then the dirty dishes and clothes that are piled on the floor seem to show evil teeth and growl my name as if I am some tasty treat. I usually run to my bed and jump under the covers with a good book at this point, holding onto my dirt denial for a while longer.
Sigh...I am still fighting off the last bit of this cold, so I guess I should go lay down. I feel a bit hyper though, so I hope I can get to sleep at a decent hour tonight.
Hugs to you (you all know who you are).

I don't know which colour to go with yet for my hair, I want it funky for sure. Pink and blonde and some dark colour.
and I am soooo glad things are good with you and your man!!
[Edited on Nov 25, 2004 10:30AM]