Got into a "thing" with my mother today. She is a...every name in the book! I am so tired of being treated like trash. I want NOTHING from her. She neglected me enough when I was a child to make me independent enough not to need anything from her (or anyone) now. She abandoned me to my father who abused me and now acts like I owe HER some sort of extra effort. Screw that! Maybe my blondeness is creating a monster because I feel a strength to say NO to her that I haven't felt in a long time. I'm sick of her shit. I deserve some respect. I want to live my life in peace! So, F her and long live Queen Jora. Off with her head!
I'm glad you're not letting her give you shit. Stand up for yourself, that's good.
Maybe, just maybe someday she will learn. Do people really change?
Did you start to get used to the new format yet? I'm still grrrrrrrrr'ing with some bugs here and there....and it's STILL hurting my eyes!
Have a good weekend. **hugs you**
i agree... long live the queen... want me to peel some grapes for you (where did i put that palm leaf?).
anyway, it's going to be more than 40 hours... i'm already at 35-40 at my first job... and then as many hours as i want to put in at the other job... so, blah. i need the money, though... so, it's all good.
i hope you are having a very super good day.