Made a short film. This is not the greatest zombie film in the world, this is only a tribute.
Had my first day of the new internship at NBC today. Looks like it'll be lots o' fun and all, but also a shitload of work and some shitty shitty hours (3am - noon, woohoo). But the studio is fucking amazing and everyone there seems wicked nice.
Classes start up tomorrow. Fun times. Between the 3 film classes, the 2 journalism classes, the internship at NBC, my regular job, running shows at UCTV, some film club projects, and finally, beer...I'm really not sure how I'm going to have any time in which to sleep. Well, huzzah to coffee, I suppose. 

I have returned!!! Be afraid, be very afraid.

So i'm thinkin' of lettin' my account here expire and go grey. I used to talk to people and keep up on stuff all the time, but lately I just haven't had the time or inclination as most of the people I used to talk with have left the site. I dunno. I just think I'm wastin' money that I don't have that much of...
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Woohoo! I don't have to move to Canada! Thank the maker for Obama.
I don't even live in the US and I'm ecstatic about it. Fucking awesome 
How are you?

How are you?
So later today, Meatypunk is gettin' hitched. I'm the best man. It's gonna be grand. So go wish him well, and make sure to call him a nerd for gettin' marriedd on halloween.

Hmmm yeah .... especially since my pin had a flashing light on it!

So last night I no shit slipped on a banana peel. I'd never been so clich before.
So, in other news...I got my car fixed, and in doing so my bank account went from $189.95 to the grand total it is now......... $0.79.
Isn't life just fuckin' GRAND. It's swell. I mean, golly gee, I can totally live off 79 cents until my fuckin' G.I. check comes in.
...well, at least my car works now...
Isn't life just fuckin' GRAND. It's swell. I mean, golly gee, I can totally live off 79 cents until my fuckin' G.I. check comes in.
...well, at least my car works now...
That's more than I have in MY account, and no car to boot. It's okay, we'll make due...

Life seriously needs a fuckin' pause button. There are entirely too many things I want to do and not nearly enough time to do them all in. Fuckin' A.
And to top it all off, my car broke....again.
And to top it all off, my car broke....again.

Thank you so much for your comment on my member review set! It made my day! It's nice to know that people appreciate a little fucked-up fun for Halloween!

Life kinda sucks. That's all.
im so sorry to hear that. when live gets me own i drag out the oldest nintendo system i have... get some big league chew or some other old school candy.. lock myself in my room and listen to crappy 90s music.
i recommend it!

i recommend it!
*big hug* life is funny with the things it throws at you sometimes... more like funny as in a cruel joke even... heh... other than that hows things?
School started today....I feel like a dirty old man. The freshmen coming in this year were born in 1990....that is fucking nuts. And to make matters worse, they're all running around in shorts that somehow have less fabric on them than Daisy''s just wrong, they're so damn YOUNG looking...
...though the TAs are still the sexiest women in the room, that makes me happy.
...though the TAs are still the sexiest women in the room, that makes me happy.
It really is. I had dreams about kissing last night and made a sadface when I got up.