was listening to the johnny dare morning show here in kc. he was talking about how 99% of men who were married or are married are regretting getting married and would never get married again. i was married. i was happy i had the woman of my dreams. shes beautiful and an all around good person. our problem was i to her was the settle guy. she had two serious bf's and she thought that one of them would marry her but instead all they wanted was the pussy. i understand that as i stated early she is hott. i just happen to show up each time when those relationships ended and was there for her. i guess somewhere wih that she figured it must be fate so she proposed. i wasnt ready no where near. i was young but in love so how could i.pass this opportunity up. she was the one to me i knew there was no way i would ever betray her so i said yes. well years pass the most beautiful girl is born but what ever i do is never enough. wont bore yall with the details but we divorced. so would i ever get married again? i dont know. i would love to have more kids. i will not be one of those guys who say never and gets married again. i can totally see getting married again but i would hafta be sure that the love i give is the same love i recieve. cant believe johnny dare got me thinking! what kind of shit is that. well kiddos enjoy the day.
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